BANGLADESH: Alleged abuse of a child maid by the RAB officer in Dhaka

Dear friends,
The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information from a reliable source regarding the alleged abuse of a child maid by the officer of the Rapid Action Battalion-1 in Dhaka and his wife on around 24 May 2007. The victim was brutally assaulted by the couple and as a result, her one hand was broken and sustained several injuries on her body. Although the girl’s father lodged a complaint to the Puthia police on 26 May 2007, the police have not conduct a serious investigation into the incident and the alleged perpetrators have not yet arrested. It is alleged that the alleged perpetrators imposed pressure upon local journalist, human rights activists and police officers by various means to escape their responsibility.
Shila Begum is a minor living in Krishana Pur village, Puthiya police station, Rajshahi district, Bangladesh. About 9 month ago, Ms. Nipa Begum, the wife of Mr. Alamgir Kabir Elias Shaukat, who is the Sub Inspector (SI) of the Rapid Action Battalion-1 in Dhaka, hired Shila Begum, as a maid in her house.
On or around 24 May 2007, Nakshi, the daughter of Ms. Nipa Begum, allegedly broke a spice blending stone but she falsely accused Shila for the damage. For this petty matter, Ms. Nipa Begum allegedly struck Shila’s head with a cutting instrument (known locally as a chhunni) and also pressed ! a lighte d candle light to her chest. It is also alleged that the RAB SI Alamgir kicked Shila with his boots. Shila fell to the floor and her hand was broken.
On 24 May 2007, Ms. Nipa Begum allegedly took Shila to the Puthia Bazar at Rajshahi and left her without paying her any salary or providing any medical treatment. Shila was rescued by her neighbor who took her to her father Mr. Badshah Ali. After that, she was admitted to a local health complex and her condition improved after getting proper medical treatment. The marks of torture are still visible on her body.
Mr. Jasim Uddin, the Officer-in-Charge of the Puthia police station, confirmed that the victim’s father lodged a complaint about the incident on 26 may 2007. The First Information Report (FIR) has been reportedly forwarded to the Dakhhinkhan police station. However, the AHRC has been informed that there has been no development of the investigation into the incident to date. The two alleged perpetrators, Ms. Nipa Begum and Mr. Alamgir Kabir Elias Shaukat have not been arrested.
Meanwhile, when she was contacted by a human rights organization, Ms. Nipa Begum claimed that Shila was tortured not by her and her husband, but by her father. She also refused to reveal her residential address.
There is an allegation that after the victim’s father lodged a complaint at the Puthia police station, the concerned RAB official and his wife exerted pressure upon a local journalist, human rights activists and police officers by various ways to escape their responsibility.
When interviewed by the local human rights group, Shila could not remember the specific date of torture. However, she reported that she was ill-treated several times from April 24 May 2007.
Shila’s father, quite naturally wants justice for his daughter and punishment for the alleged perpetrators.
Please write to the relevant local authorities li! sted bel ow and express your concern about this case. Please demand that the alleged perpetrators are arrested and brought before court as soon as possible. Please also urge the local authorities to ensure a proper and impartial investigation into the incident.
To support this case, please click here: SEND APPEAL LETTER
Dear _________,
BANGLADESH: An alleged abuse of a child maid by the RAB officer in Dhaka
Name of victim: Shila Begum, the daughter of Mr. Badshah Ali, the permanent resident of Krishana Pur village, Puthiya police station, Rajshahi district, Bangladesh
Alleged perpetrators:
1. Mr. Alamgir Kabir Elias Shaukat, Sub Inspector of the RAB-1 in Dhaka
2. Ms. Nipa Begum, the wife of Mr. Alamgir Kabir Elias Shaukat
Date of torture: around 24 May 2007
Place of torture: Uttara in Dhaka, Bangladesh
I am deeply concerned by an alleged abuse of a child maid by the officer of the Rapid Action Battalion-1 in Dhaka and his wife on around 24 May 2007.
The victim is Shila Begum, who is a minor living in Krishana Pur village, Puthiya police station, Rajshahi district, Bangladesh. About 9 month ago, she was hired as a maid by Ms. Nipa Begum, the wife of Mr. Alamgir Kabir Elias Shaukat, who is the Sub Inspector (SI) of the Rapid Action Battalion-1 in Dhaka.
According to the information I have received, on around 24 May 2007, Ms. Nipa Begum allegedly hurt Shila’s head with a cutting instrument consisting of blade attached to handle (locally called as chhunni) and also pressed a candle light on her chest for petty reason. I am also informed that the RAB SI Alamgir kicked Shila with his boots and Shila fell down the floor and her one hand has been broken.
I am appalled to learn that despite her serous injuries, on 24 May ! 2007, Ms . Nipa Begum allegedly took Shila to the Puthia Bazar at Rajshahi and left her without giving any salary and medical treatment. Shila was rescued by her neighbor who took her to her guardian. After that, she was admitted to one local health complex. The mark of torture is still visible on her body.
I am also informed that although the victim’s father lodged a complaint about the incident to the Puthia police station on 26 may 2007, no serious action has yet been taken to investigate the incident and arrest the alleged perpetrators to date.
There is an allegation that the concerned RAB official and his wife were imposing pressure upon local journalist, human rights activists and police officers by various means to escape their responsibility. I am concerned that the reluctance of the police to investigate the case might be because Mr. Alamgir Kabir Elias Shaukat is the RAB official.
In light of the above, I strongly urge you to order an immediate and proper investigation into this incident. Please also ensure that the alleged perpetrators are arrested and brought before court as soon as possible. I also ask you to ensure that the families of the victims are adequately compensated.
Yours truly,
1. Barrister Moinul Hossain
Ministry of Law, Justice & Parliamentary Affairs
Bangladesh Secretariat
Tel: +88-02-7160627 (O)
Fax: +88-02-7168557 (O)
2. Barrister Fida M Kamal
Attorney General of Bangladesh
Office of the Attorney General
Supreme Court Building
Ramna, Dhaka-1000
Tel: +880 2 9562868
Fax: +880 2 9561568
3. Mr. Nur Mohammad
Inspector General of Police (IGP)
Bangladesh Police
Police Headquarters’
Fulbaria, Dhaka-1000
Tel: +880 2 95! 62054 or 7176451 or 7176677
Fax: +880 2 9563362 or 9563363
4. Mr. S M Mizanur Rahman
Director General (DG)
Rapid Action Battalion (RAB)
RAB Headquarter
Uttara, Dhaka
Tel: +88-02- 8961105 (O)
Fax: +880 2 8962884 (O)
5. Crime Prevention Company-2 (Uttara Turag & Airport PS of DMP)
Office of the RAB-1
R. R. F. Bhaban, Uttara,
Tel: +88-02-8952991, 8963419 or 8962221
Fax: +88-02-8963418 or 8963419 (O)
Thank you.
Urgent Appeals Programme
Asian Human Rights Commission (