INDIA: BSF officers kill two victims, including a 17-year-old boy 


Urgent Appeal Case: UA-244-2006
ISSUES: Extrajudicial killings,

Dear friends,

The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has learned of the killings of two persons, one of whom was a minor, by officers of the Border Security Forces (BSF) operating along the Indo-Bangladesh border. After confronting the two victims and beating them with their rifle, the BSF officers then shot them at point blank range, resulting in their instant death.

The ghastly incident took place on 11 July 2006 at 8.55pm when the two victims, Mintu Molla and Jabbar Sarkar were returning home from the fields. Without warning BSF officers pounced on the two victims and started interrogating them. They then used their rifles to brutally beat both victims. After some time the BSF officers then shot both Mintu and Jabbar, resulting in their deaths. Thereafter the involved officers carried the dead bodies to Kharyertala BOP No. 1 Point where they remained for several hours. At 2.30am the following morning the officers took the bodies to the Jalangi police station by BSF Halla Gari (patrol van). Later that morning, at 11am, the bodies were transferred to the Baharampur Hospital for post mortem.

The AHRC demand the immediate suspension of the allegedly involved BSF officers from their duty and that an inquiry be conducted into this incident by a neutral agency such as the C.I.D. The inquiry must include a post mortem conducted by an expert autopsy surgeon. If the allegations are proven correct, the guilty BSF officers should be tried in accordance with the law. Adequate compensation should be provided to the families of the victims.


India shares a considerable border with Bangladesh, which is extremely porous. The border crosses rivers, villages, paddy fields and jute fields, making it easy to cross. For many years, this border has been facing problems of illegal immigration, smuggling, arms trafficking, drug trafficking and the trafficking of women and children. To deal with some of these problems, India has deployed border security forces to deal with infiltration at the border. However, no consideration has been afforded to people near the border area, a “no man’s land”, who have predominantly been branded as immigrants from Bangladesh and thus have been discriminated against at various levels.

The Government of India erected boundary fencing and a boundary road to prevent ‘infiltration’. In many places of Nadia, Murshidabad, North 24 Parganas, South 24 Parganas, Dinajpur and other areas. This fencing and border road (BSF road) runs 5-10 kilometres inside the Indian territory from the actual border. In these areas, many of the local people who have resided there for centuries cannot gain entry into their own land without the ‘permission’ of the BSF. In many areas, school buildings, temples, and mosques fall on the other side of the fencing. Only two times a day can people use this border road or enter or leave from the fencing gate: once in the morning for half-an-hour and once in the evening for half-an-hour.

Farmers are dependent upon the protection of the BSF to continue their livelihood and are also at their mercy. Due to this situation, common legal remedies are meaningless and farmers are prevented from voicing their concerns.

The murder of these latest victims are only one of the many human rights violations that the AHRC has reported on in recent times regarding the Border Security Forces operating along the Indo-Bangladesh border (please see UA-225-2006UA-184-2006,UA-174-2006UA-146-2006UA-217-2005UA-79-2005FA-04-2005 and UA-18-2005). Evident from these cases is that the BSF personnel enjoy absolute impunity and it has become common practice for officers to profit from illegal trade and to exploit situations by colluding with smugglers.


Please write to Mr. Srikumar Mukherjee, The Minister of State, Government of West Bengal and other concerned authorities seeking their intervention. The perpetrators should be punished for the arbitrary actions and the government should take immediate cognisance of the cross-border smuggling and the continuous infiltration of the Indo-Bangladesh border. Despite having brought this to the notice of the authorities many times in the recent past, little seems to have been done in this regard. We hope that this case will once again highlight the urgency of this matter so that many lives can be saved in the future.

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Dear _____________,

INDIA: BSF officers kill two victims, including a 17-year-old boy

Names of victims:
1. Mintu Molla (17 years), son of the late Mahotab Sarkar Saheb Nagar Panchayet Raninagar Police Station, Murshidabad district, West Bengal, India
2. Jabbar Hussein Sarkar (22 years), son of Najrul Hussein Sarkar Saheb Nagar Panchayet Raninagar Police Station, Murshidabad District, West Bengal, India
Name of the alleged perpetrators: On duty officers of the Border Security Forces of Khayertala BOP No. 1 Point
Date of incident: 11 July 2006

I am appalled to learn of yet further extra-judicial killings allegedly orchestrated by officers of the Border Security Forces (BSF) in India. I am well aware of the many other recent cases involving such killings and am angered by the entirely inadequate response of the relevant authorities to try and stem this wave of violence.

The latest incident took place on 11 July 2006 at 8.55pm when the two victims, Mintu Molla and Jabbar Sarkar were returning home from the fields. Without warning BSF officers pounced on the two victims and started interrogating them. They then used their rifles to brutally beat both victims. After some time the BSF officers then shot both Mintu and Jabbar, resulting in their deaths. Thereafter the involved officers carried the dead bodies to Kharyertala BOP No. 1 Point where they remained for several hours. At 2.30am the following morning the officers took the bodies to the Jalangi police station by BSF Halla Gari (patrol van). Later that morning, at 11am, the bodies were transferred to the Baharampur Hospital for post mortem.

To bring justice to this case and to help ensure the prevention of this type of crime, the authorities in India, particularly the the Minister of State of the Government of West Bengal must intervene at once. The BSF officers concerned must be immediately suspended from their duty and an inquiry needs to be conducted into this incident by a neutral agency such as the C.I.D. The inquiry must include a post mortem conducted by an expert autopsy surgeon. If the allegations are proven correct, the guilty BSF officers should be tried in accordance with the law. Adequate compensation should be provided to the families of the victims.

I ask that action be taken into this matter before any further killings occur.

Yours sincerely,


1. Mr. Srikumar Mukherjee
Minister of State
Government of West Bengal
Writers Buildings
West Bengal
Fax: +91 33 2214 4052

2. Mr. Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee
Chief Minister and Minister in Charge of Home (Police) Department
Government of West Bengal
Writers’ Buildings
Kolkata – 700001
West Bengal
Tel: +91 33 2214 5555 (O) / 2280 0631 (R)
Fax: +91 33 2214 5480

3. Mr. P.R. Ray
Home Secretary
Government of West Bengal
Writers’ Buildings
Kolkata – 700001
West Bengal
Tel: +91 33 2214 5656
Fax: +91 33 2214 3001

4. Mr. Justice A. S. Anand
National Human Rights Commission of India
Faridkot House, Copernicus Marg
New Delhi -110001
Tel: +91 11 23074448
Fax: +91 11 2334 0016

5. Mr. Shivraj V. Patil
Home Minister
Ministry of Home Affairs
Jaisalmer Hosue
New Delhi
Fax: +91 11 23094221/ 23794833

6. The Director General
Border Security Force
B-10, CGO Complex
New Delhi
Fax: +91 11 24361202

7. Inspector General (Administration)
Border Security Force
B-10, CGO Complex
New Delhi
Fax: +91 11 24361202

8. Mr. Philip Alston
Special Rapporteur on Extra-judicial, Summary, or Arbitrary Executions
1211 Geneva 10
Tel: +41 22 917 9155

Thank you.

Urgent Appeals Programme
Asian Human Rights Commission (

Document Type : Urgent Appeal Case
Document ID : UA-244-2006
Countries : India,
Issues : Extrajudicial killings,