SRI LANKA: No investigation after Piliyandala police assault a man

Dear friends,
The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that the Piliyandala police beat a man on 27 September 2007. It was only after the victim produced a letter from the office of a government minister that a high ranking officer at the station allowed him to lodge a complaint. However no investigation has been launched.
CASE DETAILS: (Based on the victim’s testimony)
Mr. Priyantha Fernando (27) is a three-wheel driver and he hires the three-wheeler from the owner, Mr. Umesh Indika by paying Rs. 250/- (USD 2.25) every day.
On 27 September 2007, Priyantha Fernando was parking the three-wheeler in the parking lot in front of the Moratuwa police station as he usually does. Suddenly two persons approached him and demanded that they wanted to hire his vehicle to take them to Katubeddha, which is a few kilometers away. However, he told them he could not accept the hire because he had been hired in advance to drive for the wife of an officer of the Moratuwa police station named Prasanna.
As Priyantha Fernando told them this they became aggressive and stated that “it is only with you we will go”. Then, one of the persons gripped Priyantha Fernando by the neck and wanted to see his identity card. While the person gripped Priyantha Fernando, the other searched the victim’s hip pocket and took out the paper which had been given to him by the police when his original identification card was lost. They added that “it is you we are looking for” and squeezed his neck and held it tight against the bar of the three wheeler which is behind the drivers’ seat.
According to the victim, he thought that they intended to steal the three-wheeler, and told them that the three-wheeler did not belong to him. At that time, he saw that the owner of the three-wheeler, Umesh Indika, coming towards them. The victim then said, “The owner of the three-wheeler is coming”. Then, the two persons identified themselves as police officers and pushed the victim away. They then caught hold of Umesh Indika, put him inside a van and drove away.
Following the incident the victim went to the Moratuwa police station to make a complaint but the police refused to accept the complaint. Instead they gave oral messages to deliver to the household of Umesh Indika. It was at the police station that the victim later came to know that the two persons who had taken Udesh Indika were from the Piliyandala police.
On the next day, September 28, the victim went to the Panadura North police station with his mother to make a complaint. However, once again the police did not accept the complaint but told them to go to the Moratuwa police station. When they went to the Moratuwa police station they were told again to return to the Panadura North police station. The Officer-in-Charge of the Panadura North police telephoned to the Piliyandala police and told them to inquire into the incident and asked the victim to go to the Piliyandala police station.
On September 29, the victim and his mother went to the Piliyandala police station to again lodge a complaint. According to the victim the Officer-in-Charge of the Piliyandala police station and the Officer-in-charge of the Crimes Branch of the police station scolded them in a very low manner, using foul language against them. They even threatened that three persons had already been killed and that the victim will be next. They then refused to record the victim’s complaint. On the same day the victim was admitted to the Kalubowila hospital for treatment suffered in the attack. The victim informed to a doctor from the Kalubowila hospital that he had been assaulted by the police. The doctor diagnosed that the nerve on the left side of his neck had been damaged and that should wear a plaster case on the neck for about one month.
At around 3:30pm on September 30, the victim again went to the Moratuwa police station but the police denied recording his complaint.
On October 2 the victim told the incident to Ranjan de Mel, the coordination officer of Minister Jeewan Kumarathunga who lives in Rawatawatte. Ranjan de Mel gave him a letter to present to the Senior Superintend of Police (SSP) in the Mt. Lavinia police station. This officer read the letter and signed it and asked for the victim to hand it over to the Assistant Superintend of Police (ASP) at the Moratuwa police station. Accordingly the victim met ASP Dayananda and handed over the letter. It was only then that the victims’ statement was recorded by a Woman Police Officer and a form to get admitted at the Kalubowila hospital police station was given to him. The victim was again admitted to the Kalubowila hospital. The victim showed the doctor the hospital card and the x-ray which had been given on his first admission on 29 September 2007.
On October 3, the police attached to the hospital recorded a statement from him and on the following day, October 4, the Judiciary Medical Officer (JMO) examined the victim. The victim was discharged on that day and asked to attend the clinic to continue his treatment on October 11. As a result of the attack, the victim has difficulty in turning his neck freely and in continuing his job.
The victim has also written to the Chairperson of Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka, Chairperson of National Police Commission, Inspector General Police, and Senior Superintendent of Police at Mt. Lavinia police station. However, to-date, the investigation has not started.
The AHRC is gravely concerned by the police assaulted of Priyantha Fernando by the Piliyandala police officers. The AHRC is also concerned by the refusal to record a complaint by the police after they police attacked the victim. This case clearly shows that it is the victim who suffers from the existing policing system even when trying to seek redress through the system. An immediate investigation has to start without delay.
Please write to the relevant authorities listed below and urge them to start an investigation and take necessary action against the alleged perpetrators who assaulted the victim. Please also urge them to ensure that he is paid appropriate compensation for the injuries caused and also for the violation of his fundamental rights.
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Dear __________,
SRI LANKA: No investigation after Piliyandala police assault a man
Name of victim: Mr. Muthuthanthrige Sampath Sisira Kumara Priyantha Fernando (27), unmarried, driver, resident of No. 19, Athkam nivasa, Madakissa road, Horethuduwa, Keselwatte
Alleged perpetrators: Two unidentified police officers from the Piliyandala police station, Mt. Lavinia Dist. I, Mt. Lavinia Division
Date of incident: 27 September 2007
Place of incident: In the parking lot in front of the Moratuwa police station
I am writing to voice my deep concern regarding the assault of Muthuthanthrige Sampath Sisira Kumara Priyantha Fernando (27), by the Piliyandala police.
According to the information received, on 27 September 2007, Priyantha Fernando had parked the three-wheeler in the parking lot in front of the Moratuwa police stations as usual. Two persons came and demanded that they wanted to hire his vehicle to go to Katubeddha. When Priyantha Fernando refused their request they became aggressive and gripped his neck. Then, they pulled back and forth and pushed it to the bar of the three-wheeler. While one person squeezed his neck, the other took out the copy of his original Identity card.
I am informed that while they were attacking the victim, the owner of the three-wheeler Umesh Indika came and they put Umesh Indika inside a van and drove away. The victim went to the Moratuwa police station to make a complaint, however, the police refused to record the complaint.
I am also informed that the next day when the victim went to the Panadura North police station with his mother to make the complaint the police denied to record the complaint and asked them to go to the Moratuwa police station. When they went to the Moratuwa police station they were told again to go to the Panadura North police station.
On September 29, the victim and his mother again went to the Piliyandala police to make a complaint but the Officer in charge of the Piliyandala Police and the Officer in-charge of Crime Branch of the Piliyandala police were scolded by using foul language and threatened that the victim would be killed. On the same day victim was admitted to the Kalubowila hospital for treatment suffered in the attack. The victim has informed to the doctors that he had been assaulted by the police. The doctor prescribed that the left nerve on his neck had been damaged so that he wears a plaster case on the neck for about one month.
It was only possible for the victim to lodge a complaint after a letter which was given by Ranjan de Mel, the coordination officer of Minister Jeewan Kumarathunga was delivered to the Assistant Superintend of Police (ASP) at the Moratuwa police station on October 2. As a result of the attack, the victim now is in a difficult situation of turning his neck freely and doing his job for a living.
I am also informed that the victim has informed this incident to the authorities for their intervention however to-date no proper action has been taken.
Therefore, I urge you to conduct an immediate and impartial investigation and inquiry into the victim’s complaint against the Piliyandala police without further delay and take legal or disciplinary action against the alleged perpetrators. I also urge you to afford the victim adequate compensation for the physical consequences he has suffered and continues to suffer as a result of the police assault. I further urge you to study and find out the main reason of police’ denial of receiving a complaint at the police station.
I earnestly look forward to your prompt action into this matter.
Yours sincerely,
1. Mr. Victor Perera
Inspector General of Police
New Secretariat
Colombo 1
Fax: +94 11 2 440440/327877
2. Mr. C.R. De Silva
Attorney General
Attorney General’s Department
Colombo 12
Fax: +94 11 2 436421
3. Secretary
National Police Commission
3rd Floor, Rotunda Towers,
109 Galle Road
Colombo 03
Tel: +94 11 2 395310
Fax: +94 11 2 395867
4. Secretary
Human Rights Commission
No. 36, Kynsey Road
Colombo 8
Tel: +94 11 2 694 925 / 673 806
Fax: +94 11 2 694 924 / 696 470
5. Prof. Manfred Nowak
Special Rapporteur on the Question of Torture
1211 Geneva 10
Tel: +41 22 917 9230
Thank you.
Urgent Appeals Programme
Asian Human Rights Commission (