CAMBODIA: Man seriously injured after allegedly being tortured by police and military officers

[NOTICE: The AHRC have developed a new automatic letter-sending system using the “button” below. However, in this appeal, we could not include e-mail addresses of some of the Cambodian authorities. We encourage you to send your appeal letters via fax or post to those people. Fax numbers and postal addresses of the Cambodia authorities are attached below with this appeal. Thank you.]
CAMBODIA: Political discrimination; torture; corruption; impunity; dysfunctional policing
Dear friends,
The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has learned that on 28 October 2006, a 45-year-old activist named Leang Ho, who is a member of the Sam Rainsy opposition party, was allegedly tortured by Preah Theat commune police officer Chor Hay and a military officer named Sambat in Thmey Kandal village, Preah Theat commune, at the Oraing Ov district, in Kompong Cham province, Cambodia.
According to the information we have received, Leang Ho (photo on the left) was walking home with his friend from the same town named Norn Ny after they left a dance in Thmey Kanal village. The men were then stopped by a drunken policemen and military officer at the halfway point. The police officer whose name is Chor Hay pointed a short gun at Leang Ho and began to beat him on the head, hitting him twice with the butt of his gun. Chor Hay then pointed his weapon at Norn Ny who wished to help his friend. At the same time, the military officer named Sambat hit Ho’s face and twisted his hand. He then brought Leang Ho to the administrative police post in Preah Theat commune.
Officer Chor Hay then handcuffed Ho immediately after they arrived at the police post. Norn Ny could not go inside to help his friend because Chor Hay and Sambat still had the pistol. Leang Ho was then reportedly beaten again on his head and face until he became unconscious. Norn Ny who followed the men to the station in Preah Theat commune screamed out loud for help. When Chor Hay and Sambat walked out of the station to stop him from screaming, Ho escaped while still handcuffed and covered in blood.
Leang Ho ran 10 km toward to a private clinic for treatment in Roka Kaung village, Mohaleap commune, Koh Sotin district, Kompong Cham province. He received 5 stitches on his head and had his injuries cared for. In particularly, the many bruises all around his face and eyes.
The following day on October 29, Leang Ho went to his party headquarters in Phnom Penh and asked for personal security and help in dealing with the culprits. Chor Hay who is a chief of police in Preah Theat commune then threatened Leang Ho’s family. He said that he would arrest the son of Leang Ho (Ho Seanghy) who is studying in Snoul district, if the father ever returns to the village. The police and military officer also threatened Ho if he did not remove a Sam Rainsy opposition banner from the outside of his house.
The AHRC condemns the police and military official’s alleged abuse of power and blatant attack on a minority political activist. This is another example of Cambodian state officials torturing an innocent man and having complete disregard for the countries laws and Cambodian people’s constitutional rights. This type of state imposed intimidation and savagery makes a mockery of the Cambodian justice system and must be investigated.
Besides, it is common practice of the Cambodian police to use weapons and handcuffs illegally against people to harass and assault them. By law, these methods only can be used against criminal suspects within limited situations e.g. the attempt to escape from arresting. However, this case does not fall under these conditions.
The AHRC urges the Cambodian government to take immediate action in bringing the perpetrators to justice and asks that the government pressure the Kompong Cham province authority to become more accountable to the victims of such crimes and to help the family received appropriate compensation for the trauma that they have obviously suffered. We also urge the Cambodian authorities to make greater efforts to ensure that gun control remains a high priority so that illegal use of weapons by the police is prohibited throughout the country.
Please send a letter to the relevant authorities mentioned below and urge them to institute immediate remedies and conduct an investigation into the police and military officer’s who are allegedly responsible for such a heinous crime against the people of Cambodia.
To support this case, please click here: SEND APPEAL LETTER
Dear ________,
CAMBODIA: Man seriously injured after allegedly being tortured by police and military officers in Kompong Cham province
Name of victim: Mr. Leang Ho, 45 years old, living in Thmey Kandal village, Preah Theat commune, Oraing Ov district, Kompong Cham province, Cambodia
Alleged perpetrators:
1. Mr. Chor Hay, Preah Theat commune police officer, Kompong Cham province
2. Mr. Sambat, Oraing Ov district military officer, Kompong Cham province
Date of incident: 28 October 2006
Place of incident: Thmey Kandal village, Preah Theat commune, Oraing Ov district, Kompong Cham province
I am writing to express my deep concern over the torture of a 45-year-old activist named Leang Ho who is a member of the Sam Rainsy opposition party, was allegedly tortured by Preah Theat commune police officer Chor Hay and a military officer named Sambat in Thmey Kandal village, Preah Theat commune, at the Oraing Ov district, in Kompong Cham province, Cambodia.
According to the information I have received, Leang Ho was walking home with his friend from the same town named Norn Ny after they left a dance in Thmey Kanal village. The men were then stopped by a drunken policemen and military officer at the halfway point. The police officer whose name is Chor Hay pointed a short gun at Leang Ho and began to beat him on the head, hitting him twice with the butt of his gun. Chor Hay then pointed his weapon at Norn Ny who wished to help his friend. At the same time, the military officer named Sambat hit Ho’s face and twisted his hand. He then brought Ho to the administrative police post in Preah Theat commune.
Officer Chor Hay then handcuffed Ho immediately after they arrived at the police post. Norn Ny could not go inside to help his friend because Chor Hay and Sambat still had the pistol. Leang Ho was then reportedly beaten again on his head and face until he became unconscious. Norn Ny who followed the men to the station in Preah Theat commune screamed out loud for help. When Chor Hay and Sambat walked out of the station to stop him from screaming, Ho escaped while still handcuffed and covered in blood.
Leang Ho ran 10 km toward to a private clinic for treatment in Roka Kaung village, Mohaleap commune, Koh Sotin district, Kompong Cham province. He received 5 stitches on his head and had his injuries cared for. In particularly, the many bruises all around his face and eyes.
The following day on October 29, Leang Ho went to his party headquarters in Phnom Penh and asked for personal security and help in dealing with the culprits. Chor Hay who is a chief of police in Preah Theat commune then threatened Leang Ho’s family. He said that he would arrest the son of Leang Ho (Ho Seanghy) who is studying in Snoul district, if the father ever returns to the village. The police and military officer also threatened Ho if he did not remove a Sam Rainsy opposition banner from the outside of his house.
I would like to express my deep concern over the police and military official’s alleged abuse of power as it is another example of a blatant attack on a minority political activist. It is a shame that these Cambodian state officials have tortured an innocent man and have acted in complete disregard for the countries laws and the Cambodian people’s constitutional rights. This type of state imposed intimidation and savagery makes a mockery of the Cambodian justice system and must be investigated.
I am also concerned that the police illegally used weapons against the victim in this case, even though these methods only can be used against criminal suspects within limited situations e.g. the attempt to escape from arresting by law. I am aware that it is common practice of the Cambodian police to use weapons and handcuffs illegally against people to harass and assault them.
I therefore strongly urge you to take immediately action in bringing the perpetrators to justice and direct the Kompong Cham province authority to become more accountable to the victims of such crimes and to help the family received appropriate compensation for the trauma that they have obviously suffered. I also urge the Cambodian authorities to make greater efforts to ensure that gun control remains a high priority so that illegal use of weapons by the police is prohibited throughout the country.
Sincerely yours,
1. Mr. Samdech Hun Sen
Prime Minister
Cabinet of the Prime Minister
No. 38, Russian Federation Street
Tel: +855 23 21 98 98
Fax: +855 23 36 06 66
2. Mr. Sar Kheng
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior
275 Norodom Blvd.
Phnom Penh,
Tel/fax: +855 23 72 19 05/72 6052/72 11 90
E-Mail: or
3. Mr. Ang Vong Vathna
Minster of Justice
No 240, Sothearos Blvd.
Phnom Penh,
Fax: + 855 23 36 4119/21 66 22
4. Mr. Henro Raken
Prosecutor GeneralCourt of Appeal
No. 14, Boulevard Sothearos
Phnom Penh
Tel: +855 23 21 84 60
5. General Hok Lundy
National Police Commissioner
General-Commisariat of National Police
Phnom Penh,
Tel/Fax: +855 23 21 65 85/22 09 52
6. Mr. Hun Neng
Governor of Kompong Cham province
Provincial cabinet
Village 7, Kompong
Cham commune, Kompong Cham district,
Kompong Cham province,
Tel: +855 12 423333
Fax: +855 42 941 241
7. Justice Plang Chhlam
Kompong Cham provincial court
Village 7, Kompong Cham commune,
Kompong Cham district,
Kompong Cham province,
Tel: +855 12 675 888
8. Mr. Noun Samin
Kompong Cham police commissioner
Village 7, Kompong Cham commune,
Kompong Cham district,
Kompong Cham province,
Tel: +855 12 828 179
Fax: +855 42 941 232
9. Ms Margo Picken
Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights Cambodia
N¢X 10, Street 302
Sangkat Boeng Keng
Kang I Khan Chamcar Mon
Phnom Penh,
Tel: +855-23-987 671 / 987 672, 993 590 /993 591 or +85523 216 342
Fax: +855-23-212 579, 213 587
10. Prof. Yash Ghai
Special Representative of the Secretary-General for human rights in Cambodia
Attn: Ms. Afarin Shahidzadeh
Room 3-080, OHCHR-UNOG
8-14 Avenue de la Paix1211
Geneva 10,
Tel: +41 22 91 79214
11. Prof. Manfred Nowak
Special Rapporteur on the Question of Torture
Attn: Safir Syed
1211 Geneva 10
Tel: +41 22 917 9230
Thank you.
Urgent Appeals Programme
Asian Human Rights Commission (