PAKISTAN: A dual murder of a woman and a man in the pretext of honor killing

Dear friends,
The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is deeply concerned by another “honor killing” case reported from the Shikarpur district, Sindh Province, Pakistan. According to the information we have received, the dual murder of a Mr. Manzoor Ahmed and Mrs. Begum took place in Ali Mohammad Lund Village near Jagan Village, Shikarpur District, Sindh Province, Pakistan on 31 May 2004. Three unknown persons killed these two victims and concealed their bodies at unknown place to hide their crime. The whereabouts of the bodies of the victims are still unknown. Later, the case was registered by the police on behalf of the State at the Jagan Police Station on 3 June 2004 after a human rights group reported this case to the District Police Officer (DPO).
However, the parents of the victims nor the village members do not speak about the fact of the incident because of community pressure. It is alleged that a local tribal chief, Mr. Kora Khan Bhayo, who had pressurized the police not to register the FIR, urged the families of the victims for a private settling of the matter. Even though the case was registered, there has yet been no proper investigation by the police into this case. Your urgent action is required to pressure the local authorities to conduct a thorough and speedy inquiry into this matter without delay.
Urgent Appeals Desk
Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC)
Name of the victim:
1) Ms. Begum, wife of Mohammad Shareef, of Lund tribe
2) Mr. Manzoor Ahmed (married), son of Ali Mohammad, of Lund tribe
Alleged perpetrator: three unknown (stated by the complainant)
Date of incident: At around 4:00pm on 31 May 2004
Case reported on: At around 7:30pm on 3 June 2004 at Jagan Police Station at Humaayoon by the Sub-Inspector Zafar Ali
Place of incident: Ali Mohammad Lund Village near Jagan village, Shikarpur District, Sindh Province, Pakistan
Case Details:
It has been brought to the attention of the Asian Human Rights Commission that a dual killing has taken place in the Shikarpur district, the same district where recently another double murder in the name of “honor” caused Aabida and Tahmeena Bhutto their deaths. (Tahmeena and Aabida were killed because they visited the home of their grandparents without permission. AHRC has previously issued Urgent Appeal regarding this case: FA-12-2004)
The dual murder of a Mr. Manzoor Ahmed and Mrs. Begum took place in Ali Mohammad Lund Village near Jagan Village, Shikarpur District, Sindh Province, Pakistan on 31 May 2004.
The case was initially not registered at the police station. According to our source, the Station House Officer (SHO) Watch and Ward, Mr. Zafar Ali Shaikh, the Sub Inspector of the Jagan Police Station, initially had refused to register a First Information Report (FIR) when one of the relatives of the victims (the name is unknown yet) had tried to lodge the FIR. There is a strong allegation that he was responding to pressure from a local tribal chief, Mr. Kora Khan Bhayo, who had pressurized the police not to register the FIR and instead urged the families of the victims for a private settling of the matter.
However, a human rights group informed this dual murder to the District Police Officer (DPO) Shikarpur Mr. Khameeso Khan Memon and the DPO assured to conduct simultaneous investigation. After the investigation report acknowledged that the information is accurate, the DPO eventually ordered the Station House Officer (SHO) Mr. Zafar Ali, the Sub Inspector of the Jagan Police Station, who had refused to register the case, to register the FIR regarding the incident. On the intervention of the DPO, the case then was lodged at Jagan Police Station in Humaayoon, Taluka, Shikarpur on 3 June 2004 by Mr. Zafar Ali on behalf of the State making himself the complainant. (FIR No.26/2004 Section 302-201 PPC/34). After the FIR was lodged, Sub Inspector Mr. Asad Soomra became the person in charge of conducting an inquiry into this case.
In the FIR, it is mentioned that the police has received secret information about the dual murder of the above-mentioned victims on the pretext of “honor killings”. After the investigation, the police found out that three unknown persons killed the victims on this pretext. Further, the dead bodies of the victims were concealed by the perpetrators at an unknown place. However, the police said that the people of the village are still concealing the facts, and nobody is willing to reveal the story about the incident to the police due to the community pressure.
It is reported that all the village members have been pressured to say that no such incident had happened. Even the parents of the victims are reluctant to speak about the incident because they fear if anyone divulges the truth of the incident, the bodies of the victims will be recovered and the case challenged in the court and a tribal jirga (a local council) might be prohibited. Mr. Kora Khan Bhaya, a tribal chief and the most influential figure of the village, has allegedly influenced the case.
Though the FIR has been submitted, the bodies of the victims have still not been recovered and the relatives of the victims continue to refuse to pursue the case with the police. Both facts point to a silence that engulfs the whole community and allows the perpetrators to go free.
AHRC requires a thorough investigation into this murder that will allow for the immediate recovery of the bodies. We also request you to call the Regional Police Officer (RPD), Sukkur and officer of the DPO Investigation & Operation Department, Shikarpur and demand speedy and thorough investigation of this serious case. The contact information of these officers is given below.
Please send a letter, fax or email to following addresses and express your concern about this serious case.
1. General Pervez Musharraf
Pervez Musharraf, Pakistan Secretariat, Islamabad
Fax: +92 51 922 4768/ 920 1893 or 1835
2.Hon. Mr. Ishrat-ul-Ibad Khan
Governor Govt. of Sindh
Governor House Karachi
Tel: +92 21 9201201-3
3. Mr. Sayed Kamal Shah
Provincial Police Officer, Sindh Police
Central Police Office Karachi
Tel: +92 21 9212626-7
Fax: +92 21 9212051
4. Mr. Rahoo Khan Brohi
Regional Police Officer
Sukkur Region
Airport Road Sukkur
Tel: +92 71 30547, 30248
Fax: +92 71 31824
5. Mr. Khameso Khan Memon
District Police Office (DPO) Operation,
District Shikarpur,
Police Head Quarters Shikarpur
Tel: +92-761-515077, 512309
Fax: +92-761-512369
6. Mr. Fida Hussain Mastoi
District Police Office (DPO) Investigation
District Shikarpur,
Police Head Quarters Shikarpur
Tel: +92-761-515077, 512378
Fax. +92-761-512369
7. Syed Sultan Shah
Joint Secretary for Law, Justice and Human Rights
Tel: + 92 51 920 3464
Fax: + 92 51 9203119
8. Ms. Yakin Erturk
Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women
Palais Wilson, 8-14 Avenue de la Paix,
1211 Geneva 10
Fax: 41 22 917 9022
To support this case, please click here: SEND APPEAL LETTER
Dear,Re: PAKISTAN: A dual murder of a woman and a man in the pretext of honor killing
Name of the victim:
1) Ms. Begum, wife of Mohammad Shareef, of Lund tribe
2) Mr. Manzoor Ahmed (married), son of Ali Mohammad, of Lund tribe
Alleged perpetrator: three unknown (stated by the complainant)
Date of incident: At around 4:00pm on 31 May 2004
Case reported on: At around 7:30pm on 3 June 2004 at Jagan Police Station at Humaayoon by the Sub-Inspector Zafar Ali
Place of incident: Ali Mohammad Lund Village near Jagan village, Shikarpur District, Sindh Province, Pakistan
It is with great concern that we hear about yet another "honor killing". An apparent flaw in the response of the police further threatens the legal remedy and protection of ordinary citizens. That people are unwilling to reveal what they know is another indication of immense social pressure and insecurity.
The practice of honor killings must end, and the silence that allows its further practice must be broken.
I urge the police to immediately launch a thorough and full investigation of the double murder case and to ensure a prompt disclosure of the victim's bodies. It is also vital that the family and the village give their full testimony in an environment that enables them to do so.
It is also of great concern that we understand that people, including the police and the law enforcement agencies, are being pressurized by the local tribal chief to keep silent. A full inquiry into this matter must be conducted as well. Lastly I urge you to prohibit a tribal jirga and handle the case in accordance with the law.
Sincerely yours,
Thank you.
Urgent Appeals Programme
Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC)