SRI LANKA: 7 year old boy illegally detained and tortured by the police

Dear friends
The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that a seven-year-old boy has been illegally detained and tortured by the police from the Polpithigame Police Station. According to the information from his mother, the boy has still not recovered from the shock. Your urgent action is required to correct this matter immediately.
Urgent Appeals Desk
Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC)
7 year old boy illegally detained and tortured by the police
Name of the victim: Wijekone Mudiyanselage Sujith Priyantha Wijekone, 7, of 244, Thalawa, Moregollagame
Alleged perpetrator: Officer In Charge (OIC) Mr. Wijeratne and police officers attached to the Polpithigame Police Station
Period of detention and torture: From 30 July to 31 July 2003
Case details:
At about 4:30pm on 29 July 2003, the Officer In Charge (OIC) Mr. Wijeratne with two other policemen came to the house of Sujith Priyantha (7 years old) by a vehicle belonging to the Polpithigame Multi Purpose Cooperative Society (name of shop) and searched for him. At that time, Sujith Priyantha’s mother, 47, was not at home. The OIC sent a person to bring her to the house.
When she arrived at home, the OIC told her that he wanted to take Sujith Priyantha to the police station because he had broken a cooperative shop and stolen some goods. Sujith Priyantha’s mother strongly denied the charges and opposed his arrest. Then the OIC told her to bring Sujith Priyantha and his sister to the police station before 7:00 am of the next day (30 July 2003). Sujith Priyantha’s mother could not reject the OIC’s order and took her two children to the Polpithigame Police Station next day.
At the police station a constable questioned two children until 1:00 pm. At 1:00 pm the OIC took Sujith Priyantha to his room and did not allow anyone to enter. Then, Sujith Priyantha’s mother heard her son scream but she was helpless. The OIC kept him for about one hour. Later Sujith Priyantha told his mother that the OIC had beaten and threatened him. In the afternoon the police took Sujith Priyantha and his sister into the police vehicle and searched for a thirteen-year old boy Aruna. After arresting Aruna, the police released Sujith Priyantha’s sister. At about 7:30 pm the police put Sujith Priyantha and Aruna into the cell. When Sujith Priyantha’s mother protested against the inhuman treatment of her son, the police led her away from the police station.
The next morning (31 July 2003), Sujith Priyantha’s mother came to the police station again and saw the relatives of Aruna also there. The OIC Mr. Wijeratene told them that he would release the two boys if they pay for the goods stolen from the cooperative shop, which they refused. At about 3:30 pm they went to request the Attorney-at-law Mr. Siripala Hapuarrachi to intervene this matter on behalf of children. When the Attorney-at-law intervened in the case, the OIC agreed to bring the two boys before the Mahava Magistrate. At midnight the magistrate released the two boys on bail.
According to his mother, Sujith Priyantha has not recovered from the shock and is refusing to go to school. When he was 4 years old, his father died and his mother, a poor farmer with 5 children, is the breadwinner of the family.
Please send a letter, fax or email to the addresses below and express your concern of this serious case.
1. Hon. Mr. Ranil Wickremasinghe
Prime Minister
Cambridge Place, Colombo 7
Fax: +94 11 2 682905 / 575454
E-mail: or
2. Hon. Mr. K. C. Kamalasabesan
Attorney General
Attorney General’s Department
Colombo 12
Fax: +94 11 2 436 421
Email: or
3. Mr. Ranjith Abeysuriya PC
Chairman National Police Commission
69-1 Ward Place, Colombo 7
Sri Lanka
Fax: +94 11 2 691 926
Fax HOME: +94 11 2 674148
4. National Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka
No. 36, Kynsey Road, Colombo 8
Tel: +94 11 2 694 925 / 673 806
Fax: +94 11 2 694 924
5. Hon. W.J.M. Lokubandara
Minister of Justice
Ministry of Justice,
Law Reform and National Integration,
Superior Courts Complex,
Colombo 12
Fax: + 94 11 2 424 447
6. Mr. Theo C. van Boven
Special Rapporteur on the Question of Torture
8-14 Avenue de la Paix
1211 Geneva 10
Fax: +41 22 917-9016
To support this case, please click here: SEND APPEAL LETTER
Re: 7 year old boy illegally detained and tortured by the police
Name of the victim: Wijekone Mudiyanselage Sujith Priyantha Wijekone, 7, of 244, Thalawa, Moregollagame
Alleged perpetrator: Officer In Charge (OIC) Mr. Wijeratne and police officers attached to the Polpithigame Police Station
Period of detention and torture: From 30 July to 31 July 2003
I am writing to bring to your attention the illegal detention and torture of seven year old boy, Wijekone Mudiyanselage Sujith Priyantha Wijekone.
According to the information I have received, on 30 July 2003, Sujith Priyantha was questioned by a constable on suspicion of theft. It is alleged that the Officer In Charge (OIC) Mr. Wijeratne took Sujith Priyantha has beaten and threatened the victim during the inquiry. In addition, the police locked up Sujith Priyantha into the police cell that night. On 31 July, Sujith Priyantha was released with another boy on bail, however he has not recovered from the shock and is refusing to go to school.
The manner in which the police inhumanly treated the seven-year-old boy clearly illustrates how insensible they are of practicing illegal arrest, detention and torture against the people.
I urge you to investigate this case immediately and bring the perpetrators to justice. Please issue special instructions regarding the procedure for arrest, particularly of children. I also urge the Sri Lankan government to develop an action plan to impose discipline on law enforcement officers. I further urge the responsible local authorities to give compensation to the victim according to the standards of international law.
Sincerely yours
Thank you.
Kim Soo A
Urgent Appeals Programme
Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC)