PAKISTAN: A sexual harassment of a 6 year old boy by his teacher

Dear friends,
The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received information that a 6-year-old boy named Talha was allegedly sexually abused by his Quran teacher, Mr. Altaf at the Lajna Mosque on College Road, Green Town, Lahore, Punjab province, Pakistan on 6 June 2004. Mr. Altaf was arrested and is currently detained at the Kot Lakhpat Jail. However, it is reported that the religious groups are pressuring the boy’s family to withdraw the complaint at the Green Town Police Station. Your urgent action is required to pressure the local authorities to ensure justice for the boy’s family.
Urgent Appeals Desk
Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC)
Name of the victim: Talha, (6 years old)
Alleged perpetrator: Muhammad Altaf, a maulvi at the Lajna Mosque
Date of incident: 6 June 2004
Place of the incident: Lajna Mosque on College Road, Green Town, Lahore, Punjab province, Pakistan
Case details:
On 6 June 2004, a 6-year-old boy named Talha was allegedly sexually abused by his Quran teacher but the religious groups are pressuring the boy’s family to withdraw the complaint.
On June 2004, Talha was allegedly assaulted by maulvi (Islamic religious priest) Muhammad Altaf, 26, at the Lajna Mosque on College Road, Green Town. Talha’s grandfather, Muhammad Aslam, registered the First Information Report (FIR) at Green Town Police Station against Mr. Altaf under Section 12/7 of the Hudood Ordinances on 7 June 2004.
According to FIR, in the afternoon of 6 June 2004, Talha’s mother went to the Lajna Mosque because Talha, who went to the mosque to study, did not come back home at his usual time. When she arrived in the mosque, she found that her son was lying in the corridor. He was bleeding and unconscious.
At that time, Muhammad Altaf was not in the mosque. Talha’s family asked help to their neighbors and they took Mr. Altaf into the police custody. Later, Talha clearly identified Mr. Altaf as his attacker in front of Green Town police and gave his statement about the incident. The initial medical report confirmed that Talha was sexually abused. Mr. Altaf is currently detained at the Kot Lakhpat Jail.
However, according to Talha’s family, various religious groups, including the Tableeghi Jamaat and Jamia Ashrafia, where Mr. Altaf reportedly studied, are pressuring them to withdraw the case. It is reported that some of their neighbors in Nasir Colony are also pressuring the family to withdraw the charges against Mr. Altaf. The family is worried that the maulvis might threaten the whole community.
In addition, police investigators are allegedly pressured by religious groups, too. According to Mr. Mahmoodul Hassan, the Green Town Investigation Deputy Superintendent of Police, the police called a meeting of the maulvis and the family on 17 June 2004. An investigating officer Aftab Pervez said the police’s job was to investigate the case and if the complainants and accused wanted to reach a compromise that was up to them.
Please send a letter, fax or email to the addresses below and express your deep concern of this case.
To support this case, please click here: SEND APPEAL LETTER
Dear,Re: PAKISTAN: An alleged sexual harassment of a 6 year old boy by his teacher
Name of the victim: Talha, (6 years old)
Alleged perpetrator: Muhammad Altaf, a Maulvi at the Lajna Mosque
Date of incident: on 6 June 2004
Place of the incident: Lajna Mosque on College Road, Green Town, Lahore, Punjab province, Pakistan
I am writing to bring to your attention the alleged sexual harassment of 6-year-old boy, Talha by his Quran teacher Muhammad Altaf at the Lajna Mosque on College Road, Green Town, Lahore, Punjab province, Pakistan on 6 June 2004. Talha's grandfather, Muhammad Aslam, registered the First Information Report (FIR) at Green Town Police Station against Mr. Altaf under Section 12/7 of the Hudood Ordinances on 7 June 2004.
According to the information I have received, Talha clearly identified Mr. Altaf as his attacker in front of Green Town police and gave his statement about the incident. In addition, the initial medical report confirmed that Talha was sexually abused. Mr. Altaf is currently detained at the Kot Lakhpat Jail.
However, Talha's family reported that various religious groups, including the Tableeghi Jamaat and Jamia Ashrafia are pressuring them to withdraw the case. It is alleged that police investigators are pressured by religious groups, too. I urge you to order a thorough investigation into this matter and take appropriate action against the responsible person(s) for the intimidation to the boy's family.
I also urge you to ensure the impartial and prompt investigation into the molestation case of Talha and punish the perpetrator by law. I further ask you to ensure the security of Talha and his family while the investigation is going on.
Sincerely yours,
Send a letter to:
1. General Pervez Musharraf
Pakistan Secretariat, Islamabad
Fax: +92 51 922 4768/ 920 1893 or 1835
2. Mr. Chaudhary Pervez Elahi
Chief Minister of Punjab State
30-C, Ch. Zahur Elahi Road,
Gulberg-II, Lahore
Punjab State
Tel: +92 42 9203162 / 9203162
3. Home Secretary
Government of Punjab
Lahore, Punjab State
Tel: +92 42 9211734 / 9211735
Fax: +92 42 9211732
4. Syed Sultan Shah
Joint Secretary for Law, Justice and Human Rights
Tel: + 92 51 920 3464
Fax: + 92 51 9203119
5. Mrs. Ashifa Riaz Fatyana
Minister for Women Development & Human Rights
Fatiana House, Tehsil Kamalia,
District Toba Tek Singh, Punjab State
Tel: +92 463 412057 / +92 42 5302244(Res)
6. Zaman Khan
Complaint Cell
Human Rights Commission of Pakistan
Aiwan-i-Jahmoor, 107-Tipu Block
New Garden Town, Lahore-54600,
Tel: +92 42 583-8341, 586-4994
Fax: +92 42 588-3582
E-mail: zaman@hrcp-web
7. Committee on the Rights of the Child
c/o OHCHR ¡§C UNOG, Palais Wilson,
1211 Geneva 10, SWITZERLAND
Fax: + 41 22 917 9022
Thank you.
Urgent Appeals Programme
Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC)