Burma: 18 Foreign Human Rights Activists Detained
9 August 1998 18 foreign human rights activist were arrested in Rangoon. They were part of an international group that went inside Burma to distribute international solidarity messages. Most of the activists were arrested at the airport as they were leaving Rangoon. They had attended the solidarity event to commemorate the anniversary of student massacre in 1988. Their entire activities had been peaceful. They have been detained for allegedly inciting unrest and are being questioned at the Rangoon Police Headquarters.
The 18 activists include six Americans from the Free Burma Coalition, three Malaysians, three Indonesians, three Thais, two Filipinos and an Australian. Burma’s junta has yet to decide on what action to take against them. The ruling State Peace and Development Council (SPDC) have denied reports that they had decided to charge the activists.
The team was distributing messages of friendship and goodwill in Burmese and English, during the 10th anniversary of the military crackdown on students and pro-democracy movement. The message read:
\”We are your friends from around the world. We have not forgotten you. We support your hopes for human rights and democracy. 8888 ~ Don’t Forget ~ Don’t Give Up\”
For this message which extends solidarity and friendship across the borders, they are being detained for allegedly \”attempting to incite unrest.
The foreign ministries of Thailand and Philippines have already urged the Burmese government to release their nationals. Diplomats from the US, the Philippines, Thailand and Australia have been given access to their nationals three days after their detentions and have been trying to negotioate their release.
Name: Ms. Alison Vicary Nationality: Australia Age: 35 Economics Lecturer
Name: Mr. Haikal Nationality: Indonesia Age: 21 Student activist, PIJAR
Name: Mr. Cass Evert Nationality: Indonesia Age: 21 Student, PIJAR
Name Mr. Fadiri Nationality: Indonesia Age: 37 Journalist
Name:Mr. See Chee How Nationality: Malaysia Age: 34 Businessman
Name: Ms. Ju Lynn Ong Nationality: Malaysia Age: 27 Student
Name: Mr. Jonson Chong Nationality: Malaysia Age: 27 Coordinator, SUARAM
Name: Ms. Ellene Sana Nationality: Philippines Age: 36 Coordinator, PhilSETI
Name: Mr. Ponciano Resuena Nationality: Philippines Age: 33 NGO Worker
Name: Mr. Jaran Ditapichai Nationality: Thailand Age: 51 Professor
Name: Mr. Sawat Uppahad Nationality: Thailand Age: 37 Agricultural Cooperative Member
Name: Ms. Chanakan Phundeamyong Nationality: Thailand Age: 22 Student
Name: Ms. Nisha Marie Anand Nationality: USA Age: 21 Graduate Student, American University
Name: Ms. Anjanette Hamilton Nationality: USA Age: 20 Student
Name: Ms. Sapna Chatpar Nationality: USA Age: 20 Student, American University
Name: Mr. Joel Greer Nationality: USA Age: 34 Student, Yale Law School
Name: Mr. Tyler Gianini Nationality: USA Age: 28 Lawyer
Neme: Ms. Michelle Keegan Nationalilty: USA Age: 19 Student
RECOMMENDED ACTION: AHRC is deeply concerned for the physical and pyschological well-being of the detainees. Please urge the Burmese government for the immediate and unconditional release of all the detainees. Send immediately petitions, letters, telegrams and faxes to the Burmese military junta. We also request you to send delegation to visit Burmese embassies in your country.
General Than Shwe State Peace and Development Council (SPDC) c/o Director of Defense Services Intelligence (DDSI) Ministry of Defense, Signal Pagoda Road Dagon Post Office Yangon Union of Myanmar Telegrams: General Than Shwee, Yangon, Myanmar Telexes: 21316
Lieutenant General Khin Nyunt, State Peace and Development Council (SPDC) c/o Director of Defense Services Intelligence (DDSI) Ministry of Defense, Signal Pagoda Road Dagon Post Office Yangon Union of Myanmar Telegrams: General Than Shwee, Yangon, Myanmar Telexes: 21316
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