UPDATE (Bangladesh): Three persons tortured by the Chapainawabganj police

[RE:UA-041-2006: BANGLADESH: Eight people killed and at least one hundred injured by police fire in Chapainawabganj district; UA-013-2006: BANGLADESH: Two people killed and thirty-five injured by police fire in Chapainawabganj district]
UP-013-2006: BANGLADESH: Three persons tortured by the Chapainawabganj police
BANGLADESH: Arbitrary arrest; Torture; Harassment; Deprivation of medical treatment; Rule of law
Dear friends,
The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) wrote to you on 10 (UA-013-2006) and 27 January 2006 (UA-041-2006) detailing the killing of ten people and injuries to approximately 200 others following the police opening fire on a group of demonstrators on two different occasions in Chapainawabganj district, Bangladesh. The demonstrators had initially been demonstrating outside of the rural electrification centre demanding regular, uninterrupted electricity supply and a reduction of the consumption rate. During that demonstrating eight people were killed. In a subsequent demonstration, where the protestors were demanding for the release of three leaders of the Palli Biddut Subscribers Development Association, who were detained following the first demonstration, a further two people were killed.
The AHRC has now learned that the arrested three leaders were tortured by the police while in the custody of the Shibganj police station and in the office of the Superintendent of Police (SP). Consequently, the victims sustained considerable injuries. They were then detained in prison. The police have not allowed the victims to seek proper medical treatment outside the prison.
The AHRC has also learned that a Member of Parliament (MP) of the local constituency influenced the magistrate not to grant bail to the victims.
The AHRC is calling upon you to write letters to the relevant authorities in Bangladesh, in particular the Inspector General of Police and the Ministry of Home Affairs, urging them to take immediate legal action against those police responsible for the torture of the three men.
Urgent Appeals Programme
Asian Human Rights Commission
Name of the victims:
1. Golam Rabbani, Convener of the Palli Biddut Subscribers Development Association, son of the late Belayet Ali Mridha, living in Pukuria village
2. Zahir Chowdhury, Joint Convener of the Palli Biddut Subscribers Development Association, living in Kansat village
3. Monirul Islam Manna, President of the Kanahat Union Committee of the Bangladesh Chhatra League, living in Kansat village
All the villages are under the Shibganj police station in Chapainwabganj district
Name of the alleged perpetrators:
1. Superintendent of Police (SP) of the district and policemen of Shibganj police station of Chapainawabganj district
2. Mr. Shahjahan Mian, Member of Parliament (MP), Shibganj Contituency, Chapainawabganj
Date of incident: 23-28 January 2006
Place of incident: Office of the Superintendent of Police (SP) and Shibganj police station, Chapainawabganj district
Case details:
On 4 January 2006, two persons were killed and at least 35 others were wounded by the firing of police during a demonstration calling for uninterrupted electricity supply in the villages under Shibganj police station in Chapainawabganj district. The police and the Palli Biddut Samity authorities filed two separate cases against hundreds of villagers, including the leaders of the Palli Biddut Shamity Subscribers Association, with the local police station regarding the incident. On January 22, late in the night, the Sibganj police arrested three leaders of the Palli Biddut Shamiti Subscribers Development Association regarding those two cases.
According to the statement of Golam Rabbanis wife, Mrs. Shamima Akter Parul, the police blind folded the three leaders and tied their hands behind their back with rope and handcuffs. They were then taken to the Shibganj police station and beaten by the police. The police accused them of mobilising the people against the government authorities. They were then taken to the office of the Superintendent of Police (SP). The police put their heads underneath a table and forced them to kneel down. They then beat them with stick over different parts of the body.
A panel of lawyers, visiting the victims in the Chapainawabganj jail, stated that the three were unable to walk properly due to obvious injuries sustained. The victims were admitted to the medical ward of the Chapainawabganj district jail owing to their leg injuries. The victims families allege that the victims were deprived of proper medical treatment while in prison.
Meanwhile, the villagers have been continuing their demonstrations on the street protesting at the arrest and torture of the three leaders. During one of these demonstrations, on January 23, the police fired on the crowd killing eight people and causing injuries to more than 100. More than fifty people, including old aged men and women, and children, who stayed at home during the demonstration, were also severely injured due to the indiscriminate beatings by the unruly police. The villagers also allege that the police molested girls after entering into their houses. Huge numbers of victims, including women and children, have since been deprived medical treatment. They are passing time in fear of further harassment by the police.
The villagers further allege that the Member of Parliament (MP) of the Shibganj constituency, Mr. Shahjahan Mian influenced the local Administration as well as the Magistrates not to grant bail to the three persons. They also allege that the government has completely failed in responding to the actions of the police regarding these incidents.
Please send letters immediately to the Inspector General of Police and the other persons listed below expressing your concern about the arbitrary arrest, torture and detention of the three persons urging them to take prompt action to investigate the conduct of the police and to ensure that justice is attained for the victims.
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Dear _______________
BANGLADESH: Three persons tortured by the Chapainawabganj police
Name of the victims:
1. Golam Rabbani, Convener of the Palli Biddut Subscribers Development Association, son of the late Belayet Ali Mridha, living in Pukuria village
2. Zahir Chowdhury, Joint Convener of the Palli Biddut Subscribers Development Association, living in Kansat village
3. Monirul Islam Manna, President of the Kanahat Union Committee of the Bangladesh Chhatra League, living in Kansat village
All the villages are under the Shibganj police station in Chapainwabganj district
Name of the alleged perpetrators:
1. Superintendent of Police (SP) of the district and policemen of Shibganj police station of Chapainawabganj district
2. Mr. Shahjahan Mian, Member of Parliament (MP), Shibganj Contituency, Chapainawabganj
Date of incident: 23-28 January 2006
Place of incident: Office of the Superintendent of Police (SP) and Shibganj police station, Chapainawabganj district
I am writing to bring to your attention the arbitrary arrest, detention and torture of three persons by the police of Chapainawabganj district in Bangladesh.
According to the information I have received, the police reportedly arrested the three leaders of the Palli Biddut Samiti Subscribers Development Association on 22 January 2006 following an incident involving the killing of two people and the wounding of at least 35 others by police fire at Kansat on January 4, when the consumers of the Palli Biddut Kendra (Rural Electrification Centre) at Kanshat under the Shibganj police station in Chapainawabganj district were facing extreme financial losses as a result of irregular and insufficient electricity supply, despite paying a high rate for the consumption. Following the arrest of the three leaders, the villagers of Shobganj police station conducted road blockades at Kansat Bazar area under Chapainawabganj district on the morning of 23 January 2006. The police fired on the demonstrators, killing eight people and injuring more than 100.
I have been informed that the three arrested persons were blind folded during their arrest and their hands were tied together with rope. They were later tortured in the Shibganj police station and in the office of the Superintendent of Police (SP) before being detained. It has been alleged that the victims, who cannot walk properly due to the torture, have been deprived of proper medical treatment in the prison.
I have also been informed that the Member of Parliament (MP) of the local constituency, Mr. Shahjahan Mian, influenced the Magistrates not to grant bail to the three persons.
In light of this, I request that you ensure a fair and thorough investigation into the alleged conduct of the police and the MP. If it is found that the alleged perpetrators committed crimes against the victims, then they must be made accountable for their actions and if found guilty of arbitrary arrest, detention and torture, indicted under the prevailing domestic laws of Bangladesh. During the investigation of the police protection must be afforded to the victims.
Such action by the police and politicians is taking place more and more frequently in many parts of Bangladesh. This reflects the lack of commitment and training many police officers have in terms of handling people without the need to resort to drastic and violent measures. It also demonstrates the excessive powers politicians wield and abuse and the corruption that is evident in the system.
Therefore, I urge government officials in Bangladesh to consider reforming their current law enforcement system by introducing better training programmes for the police and other government officers and to make them more accountable for the abuses they have committed against ordinary citizens of Bangladesh. I also urge all politicians to uphold the rule of law and to encourage and support all law enforcers in the country to do likewise.
I look forward to your urgent intervention in this matter.
Yours sincerely,
1. Mr. Abdul Quayum
Inspector General of Police (IGP)
Bangladesh Police
Police Headquarters
Fulbaria, Dhaka-1000
Tel: +88-02-9562054 or 7176451 or 7176677 (O), +88-02-8362552 or 8362553 (R)
Fax: +88-02-9563362 or 9563363
2. Mr. Md. Lutfozzaman Babor MP
State Minister
The Ministry of Home Affairs
Government of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh
The Bangladesh Secretariat
Tel: +88-02-7169069 (O) or 8359000 (R)
Fax: +88-02-7160405, +88-02-7164788
3. Mr. Anwarul Karim
Joint Secretary (Police)
Ministry of Home Affairs
Government of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh
Bangladesh Secretariat
Tel: +88-02-7164680 (O) or 8953012 (R)
Fax: +88-02-7171592
4. Mr. A J Mohammad Ali
The Attorney General of Bangladesh
The Office of the Attorney General
Supreme Court Building
Ramna, Dhaka-1000
Tel: +88-02-9562868
Fax: +88-02-9561568
5. Mr. Sayed J. R. Modassir Hossain
The Chief Justice
The Supreme Court of Bangladesh
Supreme Court Building
Ramna, Dhaka-1000
Tel: +88-02-9562792
Fax: +88-02-9565058
6. Mr. Dr. Baharul Islam BPM
Deputy Inspector General of Police (DIG)
Rajshahi Range
Office of the DIG of Rajshahi Range
Tel: +88-0721-772309 (O)
Fax: +88-0721-775444 (O)
7. Mr. Philip Alston
Special Rapporteur on Extra-judicial, Summary, or Arbitrary Executions
Attn: Lydie Ventre
Room 3-016, c/o OHCHR-UNOG
1211 Geneva 10
Tel: +41 22 917 9155
Fax: +41 22 917 9006 (general)
Email: lventre@ohchr.org
8. Prof. Manfred Nowak
Special Rapporteur on the Question of Torture
Attn: Mr.Sarir Syed
1211 Geneva 10
Tel:+41 22 917 9230
Fax:+41 22 9179016 (general)
E-mail: ssyed@ohchr.org
9. Ms Leila Zerrougui
Working Group on Arbitrary Detention
c/o Miguel de la Lama
1211 Geneva 10
Fax: +41 22 917 9006 (ATTENTION: Working Group on Arbitrary Detention)
Email: mdelalama@ohchr.org
Thank you.
Urgent Appeal Programme
Asian Human Rights Commission