UPDATE(Pakistan): Prime perpetrator involved in severance of penis case is still free under the protection of a Minister

Dear friends,
The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received updated information that three of alleged perpetrators of the severing of Mr. Hazoor Buksh Maliks (24) penis, were arrested in early June 2007. However, Mr. Tunio, the main perpetrator, as well as the Station Head Officer (SHO), of the Market police station in Larkana District have not been arrested to date. It is alleged that the said SHO is still free under the protection of a Federal Minister. The AHRC is also concerned that the government has failed to provide any medical treatment to the victim, whose injuries to his penis are still bleeding up to now. The victim is not even able to walk himself. We call for your immediate intervention to support the victim. Please write to the Pakistan authorities and demand immediate medical assistance to the victim and the arrest of the prime perpetrator and his cohort.
According to the latest information we have received, the accused Registrar Head Constable (Head Moharar) Mr. Rab Nawaz Mangi, Head Constable Mr. Abdul Latif, Head Constable Mr. Ayaz Shahani of the Market police station in Larkana District, Sindh province were arrested in early June 2007. However the prime perpetrator Mr. Khan Mohammad Tunio, Station House Officer (SHO) of the said police station are still free even though District Court of Larkana, Sindh province issued several non-bail able warrants. All of these officers were accused of involving in the alleged torture case of Mr. Hazoor Buksh Malik (see further: UA-032-2007).
We have earlier reported that Mr. Ghous Bux Maher, the Federal Minister of Anti Narcotics, has been allegedly providing protection to Mr. Tunio because Mr. Tunio played a major role in campaigning for the Minister being elected from his constituency (see further: UP-021-2007). We were informed that Mr. Tunio has not been arrested to date due to inaction by the police to make his arrest under the continued protection by the said Minister.
The AHRC has also previous reported that the police authorities and one Federal Minister Mr. Mehar pressured the victim and his parents to withdraw the case against alleged perpetrators and forced them to accept the money on 20 March 2007. However we were informed the paid money was taken after some days by the police officers who allegedly attacked the victims house.
Moreover, the AHRC is gravely concerned by the poor health condition of the victim. We were informed that the victim has not received any medical assistance from the government authorities even though the injuries to his penis have not fully healed to date. He is unable to walk by himself.
The AHRC is also concerned about the ongoing impunity against the alleged perpetrators, including high ranking police officers. The AHRC is further disturbed by the alleged protection to the prime suspect, Mr. Tunio by the Federal Minister of Anti Narcotics. An independent unit composed of various sectors should be established to thoroughly investigate into this case. Proper medical assistance and compensation should also be given to the victim as well.
On 22 January 2007, 24-year-old Mr. Hazoor Buksh Malik(24) was arrested by the Market police, Larkana district, Sindh province for not possessing a national identity card while he was shopping. Late in the night of 25 January 2007, the SHO Mr. Mohummad Tunio came in drunk to the police station and ordered three on-duty police officers to fasten the victim with ropes and chains. The SHO then began to brutally torture Mr. Hazoor Buksh, and at the height of anger, he allegedly severed the victim’s penis with a sharp-edged knife. Meanwhile, the police allegedly registered a false attempted suicide case and a First Information Report (FIR) No. 17/2007 against the victim under sections 34, 337 and 334 of the Pakistan Penal Code. The Home Department of the Sindh provincial government appointed Mr. Akhtar Hussian Gorchani, the Deputy Inspector General (DIG) of Larkana Range, to conduct an inquiry about the case. However, his finding was a confirmation of the polices version of the story that this is an attempted suicide case. Due to the huge protest from the citizens, the Home Department rejected it and appointed Mr. Mushtaq Mahar, Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) to investigate in this case. (To see more: UA-032-2007: PAKISTAN: Police severed a young mans penis during torture)
The reports conducted in 9 February and 15 February respectively of two medical boards, which examined the victim, confirmed that the victim’s penis was cut with a sharp edged instrument by a third person, and therefore it is not a case of suicide as claimed by the Market police. In the meantime, it was alleged that the high rank police officials pressured the doctors of medical boards to change their findings on this case. Mr. Abdul Ahad Sangri, Assistant Inspector General (AIG) of Police of Larkana range, was assigned to arrest those responsible for the case. However, he has failed to arrest any of them, saying that his team could not find the perpetrators despite several raids on places. (To see more: UP-021-2007: PAKISTAN: No policemen arrested while medical report confirms brutal torture)
Please also refer our previous statements on this case:
AS-034-2007: PAKISTAN: The severance of the sexual organ of an arrestee indicates the collapse of police discipline and calls for high level police and government inquiries;
AS-056-2007: PAKISTAN: As outrageous violations take place, to keep silent on the issue of the rule of law is nothing less than betrayal.
Please write letters to the concerned authorities listed below, urging them to arrest those responsible and punish them without delay. Please also urge them to establish an independent unit to thoroughly investigate into this case without interference any high ranking police officers as well as politicians. Compensation and proper medical treatment should be also given to the victim. The AHRC is also writing to UN Special Rapporteur on the Question of Torture for his consideration.
To support this case, please click here: SEND APPEAL LETTER
Dear _______,
PAKISTAN: Prime perpetrator involved in severance of penis case is still free under the alleged protection of the Minister
Name of victim: Mr. Hazoor Buksh Malik, aged 24, a cook by profession, permanent resident of Garhee Tagoo village, Yaluka Khanpurr, Shikarpurr district, Sindh province, Pakistan; at the time of incident he was working as a cook at the residence of Mr. Ali Nawaz Lashari, a Deputy Superintended of Police (DSP), in Larkana district, Sindh province, Pakistan
Name of alleged perpetrators:
1. Mr. Muhammad Tunio, Station Head Officer (SHO) attached to the Market police station in Larkana District, Sindh province (prime perpetrator)
2. Registrar Head Constable (Head Moharar) Mr. Rab Nawaz Mangi attached to the Market police station
3. Head Constable Mr. Abdul Latif attached to the Market police station
4. Head Constable Mr. Ayaz Shahani attached to the Market police station
5. Mr. Ghous Bux Maher, Federal Minister of Anti Narcotics (allegedly providing protection to the prime perpetrator and intimidation to the victim and his parents)
6. Mr. Nadir Ali Shah, personal assistant (PA) to Minister Mr. Ghous Bux Maher (alleged intimidation to the victim and his parents)
7. Chief (Nazim) of Garhi Yasin town council (alleged intimidation to the victim and his parents)
Place and date of incident: tortured at the Market police station on 25-26 January 2007; the victim was forced to settle his case with the accused at the said federal minister’s residence on March 12 and the victim’s residence on March 20
I am writing to demand immediate arrest of the rest police officers including a prime perpetrator of the Market police station mentioned above, who are responsible brutal torture of Mr. Hazoor Buksh Malik (24). The victim was brutally tortured by these officers mentioned above on 25-26 January 2006 and his penis was allegedly served by SHO Muhammad Tunio.
It is welcome three of perpetrators (Registrar Head Constable (Head Moharar) Mr. Rab Nawaz Mangi, Head Constable Mr. Abdul Latif, Head Constable Mr. Ayaz Shahani of the Market police station) have been arrested in early June 2007. However, the prime perpetrator Mr. Khan Mohammad Tunio, Station House Officer (SHO) of the said police station is still free even though District Court of Larkana, Sindh province issued several non-bail able warrants. It is reported that Mr. Ghous Bux Maher, the Federal Minister of Anti Narcotics, has provided protection to Mr. Tunio because Mr. Tunio played a major role in campaigning for the Minister being elected from his constituency.
I am informed that the victim filed a case against SHO Mr. Tunio along with his five staff members. However, the police authorities and the said Minister pressured the victim and his parents to withdraw the case against alleged perpetrators. Moreover, it is also believed that the government has not provided medical treatment for the victim even though the injury on his penis does fully stop bleeding to date. He is unable to walk by himself.
I have been informed from the very first incident of this case and I would like to point out some serious problems exist in Pakistan by learning from this case.
First, investigation is not independent from interference by high ranking police authorities. Mr. Akhtar Hussian Gorchani, the Deputy Inspector General (DIG) of Larkana Rance, conducted an inquiry about this incident however, the DIG made an inquiry in hast and submitted a report confirming the polices version of the story that this is an attempted suicide case and that the victim is mentally ill person. But two medical reports by doctors revealed the truth that the injury could not have been caused by the victim himself but by a third person.
Second, intimidation to doctors of the medical board to fabricate their findings is a serious crime. No protection has given to the medical doctors while they were conducting during their own mission. Even further no legal action has been taken against those responsible who threaten to the doctors.
Third, court order without process means dysfunction of judiciary system. The SHO Mr. Tunio has not been arrested even though there are several non-bail able warrants as well as he was a prime perpetrator of this case. Local newspapers reported that he regularly visits the Market police station even though he had been suspended until the inquiry is completed by the Sindh provincial government.
Fourth, impunity brings about another crime. The victim and his parents filed a case against the SHO Mr. Tunio along with his five staff members. However, the police authorities and the personal assistance to the Minister and Chief (Nazim) of Garhi Yasin town council threatened the victim and his parents to withdraw the case against those responsible. Meanwhile, the SHO Mr. Tunio is still under the protection of the Minister.
Fifth, the government of Pakistan fails to provide medical assistance to the victim. It is reported the victim is in a very poor health condition and the injury on his penis does not fully stop bleeding to date. He is unable to walk by himself.
In light of above, I strongly urge you to establish an independent unit to investigate into this case as soon as possible. I also request you that the independent unit has to inquire about the alleged threats to the doctors of the medical boards by the high rank police officers including DPO of Larkana district, as well as the alleged attempt to cover up the case by the Market police and DIG of Larkana Range. The unit also has to investigate the intimidation to withdraw the case by Mr. Nadir Ali Shah and Chief (Nazim) of Garhi Yasin town council alleged under the Ministers patronage. Strong disciplinary and legal action should be taken against responsible officers if the allegation is proven. I further urge you to provide immediate medical assistance to the victim and adequate compensation should be awarded as well.
Lastly, I urge the Government of Pakistan to ratify the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and the Convention against Torture (CAT) which the government gave voluntarily pledges as a new member of Human Rights Council to the international community in order to prevent the abuse committed by the state officers without further delay. Otherwise, the Government will face the international community’s protest against its membership to the UN Human Rights Council.
I again request your immediate intervention into this case, considering the fact that the victim’s life was completely destroyed by this brutal incident. He was scheduled to marry in the third week of February 2007 before this incident.
Yours sincerely,
1. General Pervez Musharraf
President’s Secretariat
Fax: +92 51 922 1422, 4768/ 920 1893 or 1835
E-mail: (please see – http://www.presidentofpakistan.gov.pk/WTPresidentMessage.aspx)
2. Mr. Muhammad Wasi Zafar
Minister of Law, Justice and Human Rights
S Block Pakistan Secretariat
Fax: +92 51 920 2628
E-Mail: minister@molaw.gov.pk
3. Mr. Justice Sabih Uddin
Chief Justice of Sindh High Court
High Court Building
Fax: +92-21-9213220
Email: info@sindhhighcourt.gov.pk
4. Dr. Ishrat UL Ibad
Governor of Sindh province
Tel: + 92 21 920 1201
5. Dr. Arbab Abdul Rahim
Chief Minister of Sindh
Chief Minister House
6. Chief Secretary
Government of Sindh
Chief Secretariat,
Karachi, Sindh province,
Email: cs.sindh@sindh.gov.pk
7. Secretary
(Criminal Prosecution) SGA &CD Department
Government of Sindh
Sindh Secretariat,
Karachi, Sindh Province
Email: secy.cpsd@sindh.gov.pk
8. Dr. Faqir Hussain
Supreme Court of Pakistan
Supreme Court Building
Tel: +92-51-9213770
E-mail: registrar@supremecourt.gov.pk
9. Prof. Manfred Nowak
Special Rapporteur on the Question of Torture
Attn: Safir Syed
1211 Geneva 10
Tel: +41 22 917 9230
Thank you.
Urgent Appeals Programme
Asian Human Rights Commission (ua@ahrchk.org)