UPDATE (Thailand): Civil suit dropped in trial of media campaigner Supinya

[RE: UA-73-2004: THAILAND: Human rights defender faces preliminary decision in libel case on 21 June 2004 and UP-31 2004: THAILAND: Criminal Court decides to let libel suit against Ms Supinya Klangnarong proceed on 29 June 2004; UP-62-2004: THAILAND: Update on libel suit against media-reform activist Ms Supinya; UP-31-2005: THAILAND: Media reform campaigner Supinya holds fund-raising event to fight criminal libel case; UP-111-2005: THAILAND: Final witnesses for defence to speak in trial of media campaigner Supinya; UP-044-2006: THAILAND: Final verdict to be given in trial of media campaigner Supinya; UP-046-2006: THAILAND: Criminal defamation charges dropped in trial of media campaigner Supinya]
UP-102-2006: THAILAND: Civil suit dropped in trial of media campaigner Supinya
THAILAND: Civil defamation; denial of freedom of speech; threats to human rights defenders
Dear friends,
It is with great pleasure that the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) writes to inform you that communications giant Shin Corp yesterday withdrew its civil defamation suit against media reform campaigner Ms Supinya Klangnarong and the Thai Post newspaper following the Criminal Court’s verdict acquitting them of similar charges in March (to see details of this case, please refer to: UP-046-2006; UP-044-2006; UP-111-2005, UP-31-2005, UP-62-2004, UP-31-2004 & UA-73-2004). As the AHRC informed earlier, Supinya and the newspaper were being sued by Shin Corp because of comments made in the public interest in 2003. Shin Corp is the family company of Mr Thaksin Shinawatra.
The court ruled that the comments were made without malice and dismissed all charges against Supinya and the four Thai Post editors and journalists. The court accepted the request to drop the case after Supinya and a Thai Post lawyer said they would not object to the charges being withdrawn. Following the withdrawal of the charges, no comment was made by Shin Corp regarding its decision.
This judgment is a good and fair outcome for Supinya and the Thai post newspaper. It upholds the basic principles of freedom of expression, as outlined in Article 39 of the Constitution and is seen as a victory for the media and the independence of the Thai judiciary.
Thank you.
Urgent Appeals Programme
Asian Human Rights Commission (ahrchk@ahrchk.org)
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