UPDATE (Burma): Professor says he will launch new solo protest; passport illegally revoked

[RE: UA-004-2002: BURMA: Arrested Professor prepared to die for democracy; UP-004-2002: BURMA: Who is Dr. Salai, Burmese political prisoner?; UP-019-2002: BURMA: Arrested professor sentenced to seven years jail; UP-016-2003: BURMA: Professor Salai Tun Than; UP-017-2003: BURMA: Professor Salai Tun Than Released]
UP-123-2006: BURMA: Professor says he will launch new solo protest; passport illegally revoked
BURMA: Un-rule of law; denial of free expression
Dear friends,
Dr Salai Tun Than, the retired agriculture professor who in 2002 was imprisoned by the authorities in Burma after launching a solo protest against the military regime, has had his passport illegally revoked. Tun Than, who has been staying with relatives abroad, announced in May that he would return to Burma on June 19 and make a new protest. However, according to the latest information, his passport has been illegally cancelled by the authorities, in an attempt to prevent him from carrying out his plans.
In a statement released in the US on May 10, Dr Salai Tun Than announced that he would return to Burma on June 19, which is the birthday of democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi, and launch a new solo protest. He also called for a civil disobedience campaign and began travelling around the world to raise publicity for his plan.
However, after Tun Than arrived in Bangkok on July 7, the authorities in Burma reportedly revoked his passport.
According to concerned lawyers, it is illegal for the state to unilaterally revoke the passport of a citizen. There is no provision under the Burma Passport Act 1920 that allows for the government to do this. Furthermore, the Burma Citizenship Act 1982 only allows for citizenship and the attendant rights to be removed if a person has become a citizen of another country. But Tun Than has not taken citizenship of any other country. He has only his Burmese passport and citizenship.
Tun Than has said that he will nonetheless attempt to return to Burma and launch his protest. It is not clear at this stage as to whether or not it will be possible. It is also not clear what will happen if or when he tries to leave Thailand if the authorities there have been notified by the government of Burma that the passport is cancelled. The situation is apparently without precedent.
Salai Tun Than attracted international attention when in 2002 as a mild-mannered retired agriculture professor he made a solo protest against the military regime in Burma. Despite his prestigious background and history of service to the state, he was immediately summarily sentenced to seven years in jail by a tribunal. The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) at that time set up a webpage on his case: http://campaigns.ahrchk.net/tunthan/
Salai Tun Than was released from prison on 4 May 2003 on health grounds. He later travelled abroad to stay with family.
Solo protests in Burma are infrequent, but in recent years a number of persons and members of the Buddhist clergy have performed such actions. All are given lengthy jail terms.
Please write to the Minister of Immigration questioning the legality of the reported cancellation of Salai Tun Than’s passport. Please note that for the purpose of the letter, the country should be referred to by its official title of Myanmar, rather than Burma, and the capital as Yangon rather than Rangoon.
To support this case, please click here: SEND APPEAL LETTER
Dear Maj-Gen. Maung Maung Swe
MYANMAR: Revocation of passport of Professor Salai Tun Than
I am informed that on 7 July 2006 the Myanmar authorities unilaterally revoked the passport of Myanmar citizen Dr Salai Tun Than (born 28 March 1928; Mindon Township, Magwe Division), while he was in Thailand, on the grounds that he announced his intention to launch a solo protest in Yangon on July 19.
I note that Dr Salai Tun Than is a Myanmar citizen of exceptional character and quality. After obtaining a PhD in crop nutrition from the University of Wisconsin he did not stay abroad but returned to serve the country. For over 30 years he held a succession of posts at the Institute of Agriculture, finally as its rector from 1982-87. He also held positions on numerous research councils, established a model cooperative farm in 1973, was the commanding officer of the Mandalay University Training Corps for five years, and an active member of the ruling socialist party in the 1970s and 1980s. For all of this he was twice awarded national medals for public service.
It is therefore greatly surprising to me that after decades of work for the country this person would have his passport revoked without due course, and apparently without any correct legal process being followed. I am informed that there is no provision under the Burma Passport Act 1920 to permit such an act. Furthermore, under the Burma Citizenship Act 1982 it would only be justified if the person took citizenship of another country (sections 16 and 17). But Dr Salai Tun Than has not taken citizenship of any other country.
In view of the above, and without regard to other circumstances, I urge you to review the revocation of Dr Salai Tun Than's passport, with a view to restoring him his full rights as a citizen of the Union of Myanmar.
Yours sincerely
Maj-Gen. Maung Maung Swe
Minister for Immigration and Population
Ministry of Immigration and Population
118/122 Pansodan Road
Tel: +951 256 334/ 252 401
Fax: +951 128 598
E-Mail: doimminreg@mptmail.net.mm
1. Lt-Gen. Soe Win
Prime Minister
c/o Ministry of Defence
Signal Pagoda Road
Tel: + 95 1 372 681
Fax: + 95 1 652 624
2. U Aye Maung
Attorney General
Office of the Attorney General
101 Pansodan Street
Kyauktada Township
Fax: + 95 1 371 028/ 282 449 / 282 990
3. Maj-Gen. Maung Oo
Minister for Home Affairs
Ministry of Home Affairs
Corner of Saya San Street and No 1 Industrial Street,
Yankin Township
Tel: +951 250 315 / 374 789
Fax: +951 549 663 / 549 208
4. Professor Paulo Sergio Pinheiro
Special Rapporteur on Myanmar
Attn: Ms. Audrey Ryan
Room 3-090
1211 Geneva 10
Tel: + 41 22 917 9281
E-mail: aryan@ohchr.org
5. Ms. Hina Jilani
Special Representative of the Secretary General for human rights defenders
Attn: Melinda Ching Simon
Room 1-040
1211 Geneva 10
Tel: +41 22 917 9388
E-mail: MChingSimon@ohchr.org / urgent-action@ohchr.org
Thank you.
Urgent Appeals Programme
Asian Human Rights Commission (ahrchk@ahrchk.org)