UPDATE (Thailand): Petition on DSI attracts international support; please sign!

[RE: UP-20-2005: THAILAND: Human rights lawyer still missing after nearly one year; Action needed today to have case transferred… UP-77-2005: THAILAND: Department of Special Investigation fails to bring justice to Charoen Wat-aksorn case… UA-112-2005: THAILAND: Murder of Thai monk following an environmental and land dispute with local influential business figures; UP-028-2006: THAILAND: Protection withdrawn from monk who continues to receive death threats… UP-78-2004: THAILAND: Torture cases transferred to special investigators, but police still free; UP-157-2005: THAILAND: Alleged tortured victim withdraws his complaint against the police; UP-061-2006: THAILAND: First call for special investigation chief to resign over Somchai case; UP-107-2006: THAILAND: Second call for special investigation chief to resign; EU expresses concern in Somchai case; UP-124-2006: THAILAND: Important programme to commemorate human rights defenders and discuss failed investigations; UP-134-2006: THAILAND: Special call for observers to attend trial of persons accused of murdering environmentalist Charoen Wat-aksorn; UP-135-2006: THAILAND: Petition to be presented to Ministry of Justice before July 19]
UP-138-2006: THAILAND: Petition on DSI attracts international support; please sign!
THAILAND: Attacks on human rights defenders; negligence; impunity; unaccountability
Dear friends,
Hundreds of people have so far signed the online petition calling for reform of the Department of Special Investigation (DSI) in Thailand, but more support is needed to get the current head of the department out of his position and the changes needed to make the DSI an effective body for human rights in Thailand. Please sign the petition if you have not done so. Please distribute the petition to your friends and colleagues. Please also note that the petition is now available in six languages: Thai, English, Korean, Japanese, Dutch and Spanish.
So far the petition to remove the DSI director and appoint a person who is responsible and committed to human rights has received over 400 signatories from all around the world, and lots of interesting and supportive comments. Below are some of the comments so far.
Kirity Roy, of Banglar Manabadhikar Suraksha Mancha (MASUM) in West Bengal, India:
“One inefficient, incompetent man must quit the post; he has no right to get money from public exchequer.”
E. Madan Mohan Rao, of the Rural Telecom Foundation in India:
“Appoint a new director general to ensure justice to devoted persons bravely fighting for the common good.”
Muhammad Asghar, of Amnesty International in Pakistan:
“The disappearance of Human Rights Lawyer is a very alarming situation. I will condemn this and appeal to the Government of Thailand to take strict action, and show no any leniency in this case.”
Mark Buhler, an attorney in Florida, USA:
“The DSI should be reformed to be a real, effective agency for justice on human rights investigations, not a mirage.”
Sape Mozadeh says:
“Please stop the Thai government creating more war and human killings in Patani Malay Territorries. The locals love to live in peace. Thailand’s soldiers will never bring peace. NEVER! NEVER!”
Rachel Sharples in Sydney, Australia:
“Justice deserves integrity and true commitment.”
Pipob Udomittipong in Thailand:
“DSI is worse than a paper tiger. It turns away from easily discernable truths and shamelessly became a lapdog to justify this unjustifiable government.”
Chanpen Silawongsawat of Chiang Mai University in Thailand:
“There should be some punishments to these people of authority who took the honorable duty then got not even a single job done right… DSI GET OUT!!”
Navkiran Singh, an advocate with Lawyers for Human Rights International in India:
“In a country where lawyers are not safe, democracy is a farce.”
Robert D Larson, of the Liberation Park Dhamma Center in Illinois, USA:
“Phra Supoj was a personal friend. I am deeply saddened by his murder and the lack of concern by the Thai police and government.”
Achara Ashayagachat, a member of the media in Bangkok, Thailand:
“Free DSI from politics!”
Somsri Hananuntasuk, of Amnesty International in Bangkok, Thailand:
“Bangkok is not a safe haven anymore. Anyone can be kidnapped if they fight for human rights in the South. Just stop your car and force you into their vehicle with dark screens and then drive you to the province… Poor human rights defenders.”
Siripong Thitamadee, of the Nara Institute of Science and Technology in Ikoma Japan:
“Should we have an international organization to get involve in the process? This is not a matter of being Thai or not Thai, it is a matter of humanity. I believe that nobody wants to be treated like this.”
Thank you to everyone who has so far signed and given comments. We are aware that they are having an effect.
If you have not signed, please do so:http://thailand.ahrchk.net/dsi_petition/signature.php
Please also forward the petition details to your friends, family and colleagues. Let’s all call for reform of the DSI in Thailand to stop the killings and abductions.
READ the petition here:
Thai: http://thailand.ahrchk.net/dsi_petition
English: http://thailand.ahrchk.net/dsi_petition
Japanese: http://thailand.ahrchk.net/dsi_petition/jpnindex.htm
Korean: http://www.gwangjuic.or.kr/gic/?K_Mode=app/k2_board.php&k2_code=main_05&page=1&k2_no=225
Spanish: http://thailand.ahrchk.net/dsi_petition/espindex.htm
Dutch: http://thailand.ahrchk.net/dsi_petition/dutcindex.htm
Thank you.
Urgent Appeals Programme
Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) (ahrchk@ahrchk.org)
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