UPDATE (Philippines/Thailand): Expressions of outrage heard through petitions on killings and government inaction in Southeast Asia
[RE: UP-20-2005: THAILAND: Human rights lawyer still missing after nearly one year; Action needed today to have case transferred… UP-77-2005: THAILAND: Department of Special Investigation fails to bring justice to Charoen Wat-aksorn case… UA-112-2005: THAILAND: Murder of Thai monk following an environmental and land dispute with local influential business figures… UP-135-2006: THAILAND: Petition to be presented to Ministry of Justice before July 19; UP-138-2006: Petition on DSI attracts international support; please sign!; UG-009-2006: PHILIPPINES: Please sign petition to end extrajudicial killings in the Philippines]
PHILIPPINES/THAILAND: Extrajudicial killings; attacks on human rights defenders; negligence; impunity; unaccountability
Dear friends,
People from around the world are expressing their outrage at the extrajudicial killings of human rights defenders in Thailand and the Philippines and the lack of government action in response. Please sign both of these petitions to Reform the DSI for Human Rights in Thailand and STOP extrajudicial killings in the Philippines if you have not already done so, and ask your friends and colleagues to join these calls also. Please add your comments and freely tell the Philippines and Thai governments about your opinions and emotions.
So far nearly 1500 people have enthusiastically added their voices to calls for the Philippines government to get serious about the unrelenting killings of social activists, priests, journalists and human rights defenders. Meanwhile, over 500 people have joined the calls for the removal of the Department of Special Investigation (DSI) chief in Thailand because of the DSI’s failure to act on killings of human rights defenders and environmentalists there.
The lack of security in both the Philippines and Thailand and lack of concern of government agencies is the same problem: so also the reflections found in the comments to these petitions have the same qualities. They make these petitions extremely valuable lessons on human rights, human dignity and democracy, and are a strong encouragement for friends in Thailand and the Philippines alike.
Here are some more of the people’s voices that are now featured on the websites hosting the petitions:
“The current situation of killing is a shame to the Filipino people who have been proud of the tradition of the people’s power.”
— Gyonggu Shin, Chonnam National University, Korea
“The DSI’s incompetence creates an environment of impunity for human rights violators and abuse of power by the State – the rot will only deepen if things do not change. Does Thailand want to be this kind of State?”
— Eleanor Taylor-Nicholson, Bangkok, Thailand
“My husband, Raymundo Buenaventura-Badilla, was brutally murdered by a group of 15 (more or less) POLICEMEN… last October 23, 2004 outside our house. This happened when I was still working in Hong Kong.”
— Jennifer Tepolo-Badilla. Palawan, Philippines
“My uncle, Constancio Calubid, is one of the victims of Palparan’s rule of horror in Samar. He was tortured and abducted in front of his family and neighbors. He was tortured still for the next 12 days, until his body was dumped beside the road, full of cigarette burns, needle pricks, bruises, stab wounds, and other marks of electrocution. He was just a simple farmer in the barrio, who just happened to be quite wise and just, despite lack of formal education, so he was quite influential in the community and was respected as a barrio leader.”
— Kezia Lounel C. Badulid, Samar, Philippines
“Stop killing your own people.”
— Shehzad Arshad, Youth Vision, Pakistan
“No Justice in Thailand. Money always stands above the law. We need to be alert to the huge problem like this otherwise we won’t have good people who help our society anymore. Come on everybody fight for justice!!!!!!!!!!!”
— Wasamon, Thammasat University, Thailand
“Deplorable acts of extra-judicial killings and enforced disappearances must prompt the international community to call for an international tribunal on the Philippines.”
— Niza Concepcion, FORUM-ASIA, Thailand
“Should we have an international organization to get involve in the process? This is not a matter of being Thai or not Thai, it is a matter of humanity. I believe that nobody wants to be treated like this.”
— Siripong Thitamadee, Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan
“While it is the duty of the Filipino people to defend their rights, the international community has the obligation to expose and oppose these State-sponsored killings. Let our voices reverberate: STOP the extra Judicial Killings in the Philippines NOW!”
–Manuel SIngson III, MIGRANTE Party List, Netherlands
“It’s a shame and a pain to hear about this slaughtering going on in a country that is known for its friendly smiles!”
— Sebastian Zoepp, Carpus e.V., Germany
“To be included in the ranks of civilized countries, the Philippines must take immediate steps to preserve and protect civil rights. I urge you to do so.”
— Mark Buhler, Florida, USA
“Killing won’t stop us from creating a just world! We will keep on the struggle!”
— Lau Cheuk Hin, Social Movement Resource Center, Hong Kong
“The democracy in the Philippines is described in the most vibrant in all of Asia. The recent killings seem to debunk such honor. Extra-judicial killings are not appropriate in the 21st century. Barbarism is not part of a decent civilization…unless respect for human dignity is not part of the current administration.”
— Jowana Bueser, Laguna, Philippines
“It is such a disgrace that people who are trying to fight for their rights are being eliminated in this world. Let Human Rights exist and let the perpetrators be punished and stop the killing.”
— Rosario Fagarang, UNISON, U.K.
“I have friends in the Philippines and have visited the Philippines. I am deeply upset and concerned at the killings of human rights activists and at the lack of action by the government. To do nothing to find and bring the criminals to justice makes you an accomplice to the crimes. This is simply intolerable and cannot be condoned in a country that supposedly espouses democratic values. Without a government willing to investigate these killings and bring the perpetrators to justice, the Republic of the Philippines is destined for a bleak and uncertain future. The good people of the Philippines deserve much better than they are getting. As tourism is a large part of your economy, reading stories such as this about your country makes me very doubtful that I will vacation there again.”
— Samuel DiMartino, Chicago Teacher’s Union, Illinois, USA
“I’d thought that the Philippines is a relatively safe place. But this news makes me reconsider. Stop the killings. Stop state terror.”
— Shafiie Syahmi, Singapore
“I had the opportunity to visit the Philippines this past May and was both shocked and dismayed to learn about the killings, and the unwillingness of the Philippine Government to seriously address the executions as well as the serious inequities that exist.”
— Rev. Timothy Johnson, Cherokee Park United Church, Minnesota, USA
“I am very disappointed that the Philippines government, which does little to protect human rights while also attacking human rights defenders (churches, journalists, etc.), continues to benefit from the tacit support of other governments.”
— James Hodgson, Toronto, Canada
“Reading the comments to this petition has been an education for me. I am waiting to see the government’s response.”
— Ranjit Perera, Wattala, Sri Lanka
“I’m part of the youth here in the Philippines. How can we have a bright future if even if we stand for truth, we’ll die?”
— Roxanne Ballo, Quezon City, Philippines
Thank you to everyone who has so far signed and given comments. We are aware that they are having an effect.
If you have not signed, please do so:
And you can read the petitions in other languages:
Thai: http://thailand.ahrchk.net/dsi_petition
Japanese: http://thailand.ahrchk.net/dsi_petition/jpnindex.htm
Korean: http://www.gwangjuic.or.kr/gic/?K_Mode=app/k2_board.php&k2_code=main_05&page=1&k2_no=225
Spanish: http://thailand.ahrchk.net/dsi_petition/espindex.htm
Dutch: http://thailand.ahrchk.net/dsi_petition/dutcindex.htm
Chinese: http://www.pinoyhr.net/index_chn.php
Please also organise your own actions on these issues: write or protest to the Thai and Philippine embassies in your countries. Hold vigils and religious gatherings and widely publicise these so that many other people will be informed. Your action counts.
Thank you.
Urgent Appeals Programme
Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) (ahrchk@ahrchk.org)