UPDATE (Sri Lanka): Further details regarding the alleged torture case involving the Mahawela police

Dear friends,
The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) writes to update you on a previous appeal we wrote (UA-220-2005) regarding the torturing of four persons, including one mentally disabled boy, by the Mahawela police. At the time of issue, we had information on one victim only. We now write to inform you of the details regarding the other three persons in this case.
According to our sources, all four victims were tortured during arrest, on their way to the police station, and while in custody at the police station. As regards the three victims we now write to inform you about, they also reported that they were deprived of food, medical treatment, sleep during the night and they were handcuffed. In addition, the victims were kept in the custody of the police for more than 40 hours.
Among the victims, Wattegedara Wasantha Kumara informed that one civil dressed and one uniformed police officer beat him while asking for confessional statements about a theft that had taken place. Another victim, Devalande Gedara Vijitha Kulasooriya described how he was beaten several times, including while in one Mr. Silva’s house before being taken to the police station where he faced further brutality. The third victim, Wattegedara Ajantha Kumarasinghe was stopped while in the presence of his friend Mahesh (who was the first victim we wrote about in our original urgent appeal: UA 220-2005), and taken to the police station where he was brutally tortured by the Mahawela police.
The AHRC has also learned that all four victims were threatened by the police not to disclose their torture to anyone. The police have filed cases against three of the four victims regarding the alleged theft, with the cases having already gone before the Matale Magistrate’s Court and will do so again in February 2006.
The AHRC is gravely concerned for the security of the victims and strongly urges the Sri Lankan authorities to provide immediate and effective protection to them and their family. All incidents involving the four victims should be investigated thoroughly and those responsible for any violations, particularly those pertaining to the torture, must be charged and brought before a court of law.
For further details of each of the three latest victims, please refer below:
Case No. 1:
Name of the victim: Wattegedara Wasantha Kumara (17), a labourer living in Galliyadda, Mahawela, Wattegedara
Name of accused: Police officers attached to the Mahawela police station (bearing numbers 12862, 34897, R34311).
Date of incident: 11 November 2005
On 11 November 2005, Wattegedara Wasantha Kumara was informed by someone known to him that the Mahawela police were keeping his father detained and were not willing to release him until Wattagedara presented himself to the police station. Upon receiving this information, Wattagedara went to the police station where the police asked him about an alleged theft. When Wattagedara denied having any involvement in the theft case, two police officers, of whom one was wearing civil dress and the other was uniformed, took him into a room and proceeded to torture him. The uniformed policeman stood on Wattagedaras toes and then spun around on them. In the meantime both police officers were demanding that Wattagedara provide a confession statement regarding the theft. When he refused to do so, the police threw him in a police cell, where another person named Ajantha, was also being detained. Wattagedara was denied any treatment for the injuries to his feet and in fact the police returned to the cell several times to once again torture him and Ajantha.
On November 13, the police took Wattagedara to the Madipola Hospital for treatment and told him not to disclose the brutality he had endured to anyone. The Mahawela police lodged a theft case against the victim to the Matale Magistrate’s Court. He was produced before the court on November 23 and will be called again on 13 February 2006.
Meanwhile, the victim has been admitted to the Kandy General Hospital in ward number 10 so that he can receive treatment for his injuries.
Case No. 2:
Name of the victim: Devalande Gedara Vijitha Kulasooriya (26), a labourer living in Galliyadda, Mahawela Mookalana Janapadhaya
Name of accused: Police officers attached to the Mahawela police station (bearing numbers 12862, 34897, R34311).
Date of incident: 11 November 2005
On 11 November 2005, two civil dressed policemen approached Devalande Gedara Vinita Kulasooriya at his home. Soon after they struck him on the head, causing him to faint in the street. They then took him to the house of one of his neighbours, Mr. Silva, where he was beaten on his back, feet and hands with three sticks. In fact he was beaten so severely that all three sticks broke in half.
The policemen then handcuffed Vijitha and took him to the Mahawela police station. While in custody he was beaten on his legs and back and one police officer produced a knife and asked Vijitha to confess to stealing goods. The police then released him warning him not to disclose his beatings or he would be returned to the police station and beaten again. The Mahawela police lodged a theft case against the victim at the Matale Magistrate’s Court. He was produced before the court on November 23 and will be called again on 13 February 2006.
The victim has been admitted to the Kandy General Hospital in ward number 10 so that he can receive treatment for his injuries.
Case No. 3:
Name of the victim: Wattegedara Ajantha Kumarasinghe (19), a labourer living in Galliyadda, Mahawela Mookalana Janapadhaya
Name of accused: Police officers attached to the Mahawela police station (bearing numbers 12862, 34897, R34311).
Date of incident: 11 November 2005
On 11 November 2005, two police officers traveling by motorbike stopped Wattegedara Ajantha Kumarasinghe and asked him about the location of the house of Mr. Silva. The policemen handcuffed Ajantha and his friend Mahesh, after they showed the police the direction of the house, and started beating them brutally with a rubber plant stick. The policemen then took both of them to Mr. Silvas house where they found another victim named Vijitha. The police forced them to kneel down and then proceeded to kick them at least 10 times each on their back and legs.
At around 10 pm, the police took Ajantha to the Mahawale police station, where they beat him once more and pressured him to give a confessional statement on the theft case. Ajantha met two more victims inside the custody of the police station. He was not provided food until the following morning. On November 12 he received food from his home but the police refused to remove his handcuffs so that he could properly eat his meal. The victim remained in custody overnight.
On November 13 the police took him to the Madipola Hospital and warned him not to tell anyone about their treatment of him. The Mahawale police filed a theft case against Ajantha to the Matale Magistrate’s Court under B 13795 and produced him before the Court. He is to appear again on February 13.
Please write to the relevant authorities listed below voicing your strong condemnation of the alleged conduct of the Mahawela police.
To support this case, please click here: SEND APPEAL LETTER
Dear ____________,
SRI LANKA: Four persons, including a mentally disabled boy, tortured by Mahawela police
Name of the victims:
1) W.G. Mahesh Kumara Samaranayaka, a mentally disabled boy living in no. 147, Galaliyadda, Mhawela, Matale
2) Wattegedara Wasantha Kumara (17), a labourer living in Galliyadda, Mahawela, Wattegedara
3) Devalande Gedara Vijitha Kulasooriya (26), a labourer living in Galliyadda, Mahawela Mookalana Janapadhaya
4) Wattegedara Ajantha Kumarasinghe (19), a labourer living in Galliyadda, Mahawela Mookalana Janapadhaya
Alleged perpetrators: Police officers attached to the Mahawela police station (bearing numbers 12862, 34897, R34311).
Date of incident: 11 November 2005
I am writing to bring to your attention the arbitrary arrest and detention, torture, deprivation of food and medical treatment and inhuman treatment of four persons, including a mentally disabled boy by the Mahawela police in Sri Lanka.
According to the information I have received, the victims were detained in different locations and forced to confess to an alleged theft that had occurred in a house nearby. In an attempt to get those confessions, the police brutally tortured all four victims, beating them with sticks and kicking and punching them. This torture took place in some of the victims homes, in the house where the alleged theft took place, on the way to the Mahawela police station, and also while in custody. Three of the victims were then detained overnight and were subjected to further torture, abuse and threats. They were deprived of food and when one victims family brought him a meal, the police refused to remove his handcuffs so that he could properly eat it. As a result of the torture two of the victims, Wattegedara Wasantha Kumara and Devalande Gedara Vijitha Kulasooriya are currently hospitalised where they are receiving treatment for injuries sustained.
Additionally, three of the victims, Wattegedara Wasantha Kumara, Devalande Gedara Vijitha Kulasooriya and Wattegedara Ajantha Kumarasinghe have been charged with theft and have already appeared before the Matale Magistrate's Court. They are due to appear again on 13 February 2006.
I am gravely concerned for the security of the victims. The police have already given all four victims serious threats that they are to tell nobody of the torture inflicted upon them while in custody. They were also told that should they do so, they would be returned to the police station and tortured again.
In light of this, it is vital that these victims receive full and appropriate protection. This is only possible with your intervention. I therefore request that you order a prompt and thorough investigation into the alleged conduct of the police. If it is found that the alleged perpetrators committed crimes against the victim, then they must be made accountable for their actions and if found guilty of torture, indicted under the CAT Act No. 22 of 1994. What is more, if the charges of theft are found to have been fabricated then the Mahawela Police must drop the charges and compensate the victims for the injuries they suffered. During the investigation of the police, protection must be afforded to the victims and their families.
Such action by the police is common practice in many of Sri Lankas police stations. It reflects the lack of training many police officers have in terms of investigation skills, and the excessive powers they wield and abuse. Therefore, I urge you and other government officials in Sri Lanka to consider reforming your current law enforcement system by introducing better training programmes for your police officers and to make them more accountable for the abuses they have committed against ordinary citizens of Sri Lanka.
I look forward to your urgent intervention in this matter.
Yours sincerely,
1. Mr. Chandra Fernando
Inspector General of Police (IGP)
New Secretariat
Colombo 1
Fax: +94 11 2 440440/327877
2. Mr. K. C. Kamalasabesan
Attorney General
Attorney General's Department
Colombo 12
Fax: +94 11 2 436 421
3. Mr. Ranjith Abeysuriya
National Police Commission
3rd Floor, Rotunda Towers,
109 Galle Road
Colombo 03
Tel: +94 11 2 395310
Fax: +94 11 2 395867
Fax HOME: +94 11 2 674148
E-mail: polcom@sltnet.lk
4. Dr. Radhika Coomaraswamy
Chairperson Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka
No. 36, Kynsey Road
Colombo 8
Tel: +94 11 2 694925 / 673806
Fax: +94 11 2 694924 / 696470
E-mail: sechrc@sltnet.lk
5. Mr. J Thangawelu
DIG Legal
Police Headquarters
Colombo 1
Fax: 94 11 2381 394
Email: legaldiv@police.lk
6. Mr. Mahinda Rajapakse
President of Sri Lanka
Cambridge Place
Colombo 7
Fax: +94 11 2 682905 / 575454
E-mail: secpm@sltnet.lk or bradmanw@slt.lk
7. The National Police Commission
c/o Mr. Mahinda Rajapakse
President of Sri Lanka
Cambridge Place
Colombo 7
Fax: +94 11 2 682905 / 575454
E-mail: secpm@sltnet.lk or bradmanw@slt.lk
8. Prof. Manfred Nowak
Special Rapporteur on the Question of Torture
Attn: Mr. Safir Syed
1211 Geneva 10
Tel: +41 22 917 9230
Fax: +41 22 917 9016 (general)
E-mail: ssyed@ohchr.org
9. Ms Leila Zerrougui
Working Group on Arbitrary Detention
c/o Miguel de la Lama
1211 Geneva 10
Fax: +41 22 917 9006 (ATTENTION: Working Group on Arbitrary Detention)
Email: mdelalama@ohchr.org
Thank you.
Urgent Appeals Programme
Asian Human Rights Commission