UPDATE (Pakistan): Execution of Mirza Tahir Hussian delayed for another two months

Dear friends,
The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has received updated information that the president of Pakistan again deferred execution of Mirza Tahir Hussain, this time for a further two months.
Prior to the president’s intervention, Mirza was scheduled to be executed on November 1, 2006 (UA-339-2006). This is not the first time that his execution was postponed. Since December 2005, the president has deferred Mirza’s execution several times.
Repeated postponement of a death sentence is not acceptable. It only increases the misery of Mirza and his family which has been going on for the last 18 years, since he was put in prison.
The president of Pakistan must pardon Mirza, or at least ensure that the order of the Lahore High Court for retrial of the case is implemented.
For all of the details of the case, and why Mirza is still facing the death penalty although he was acquitted by the high court, see the original appeal: UA-339-2006.
In Pakistan, about 250 people are currently awaiting execution as the President, who is the last authority to sign death warrants, has approved their death sentences. Media reports quoting a superintendent of prisons in Gujranwala say that some weeks ago President General Musharraf rejected 250 mercy appeals concerning death sentences. During the last month, at least 28 condemned prisoners have been executed in the province of Punjab, with seven of these people having been executed in the last three days.
The AHRC has recently launched an online petition calling for the president of Pakistan to pardon Mirza.
To sign in this petition, please go to:
Thank you.
Urgent Appeals Programme
Asian Human Rights Commission (ahrchk@ahrchk.org)
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