UPDATE (Thailand): Please attend important event on threats to civil rights under military regime

[RE: UG-018-2006: THAILAND: UN rights bodies must act urgently to address junta; UP-189-2006: THAILAND: Illegal detention of former government ministers; UP-190-2006: THAILAND: Websites and radio stations shut down by military junta; UP-194-2006: THAILAND: Join protest for media freedom and 1997 Constitution]
UP-204-2006: THAILAND: Please attend important event on threats to civil rights under military regime
THAILAND: Military rule; martial law; threats to human rights defenders; restrictions on freedom of assembly & expression
Dear friends,
The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) is forwarding for your information the details of an important programme being held in Bangkok on November 2 on the curtailing of rights and liberties by the military regime that took power in Thailand on September 19.
All persons who are in Bangkok are encouraged to attend this important discussion.
For previous appeals and other material on the 2006 military takeover of Thailand, please see: UP-194-2006; UP-190-2006, and the dossier on the coup released one month on, Thailand: Military Coup 2006.
12.30-5.00 pm. November 2, 2006
At the October 14 Meeting Room
October 14 Memorial, Rajadamneon Avenue
Organised by the Office of Human Rights Studies and Social Development
Faculty of Graduate Studies, Mahidol University
Martial Law from Legal and Human Rights Perspectives
– Assoc. Prof. Jaran Kosananan, Faculty of Law, Ramkamhaeng University
– Dr. Sriprapha Petcharamesree, Office of Human Rights Studies and Social Development
– Sirote Klampaiboon, East-West Center, University of Hawaii
(Moderated by Varaporn Chamsanit, Office of Human Rights Studies and Social Development)
Release of Statement on “Rights and Liberties under Martial Law” by the Office of Human Rights Studies and Social Development
Rights and Liberties under Martial Law: Experiences of the People
– Nukul Kokij, ActionAid Thailand
– Pannaporn Paiboonwattanakij, Northern Community Radio Network
– Sombat Boonngarmanong, www.19sep.org
– Nuntachote Chairat
– Representative from Issara News Agency (to be confirmed)
(Moderated by Supinya Klangnarong, Office of Human Rights Studies and Social Development)
For more information, please contact 02-8892151
Thank you.
Urgent Appeals Programme
Asian Human Rights Commission (ahrchk@ahrchk.org)
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