UPDATE: INDONESIA: More Bandung detainees released

Dear Friends
Thank you for your continued action for justice for the 19 persons arrested and detained in Bandung, Indonesia, for their legitimate protest against impoverishing labour laws and fuel prices. It seems that the cases against the 12 remaining in prison pending trial were found by the court to be so weak that all but 3 (Fransiskus Black, George Hormat and Normalinda) have been released on bail. The trials are continuing, but the 9 released are tasting freedom for the first time in 3 months. While this a boost for Mardiyono and the other young worker activists, they ask you to continue to pressure the Minister for Justice and Human Rights to intervene and drop all charges against the 19 persons arrested on June 15 at Polda Jawa Barat.
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Dear Minister
I am grateful to hear of the release on bail of 9 young workers who were being held at Polda Jawa Barat, after spending more than three months behind bars. It is my belief that they and the 10 other ‘Bandung Detainees’ are political prisoners, and are being charged for voicing their opposition to labour laws and oil prices that would impoverish many Indonesians already struggling to survive. I urge you to intervene to drop their cases, so that freedom of expression, association and assembly can be realised in democratic Indonesia.
The 19 ‘Bandung Detainees’, arrested at the Police Headquarters of West Java (Polda Jawa Barat) on June 15 are:
1. L.V. Mardiyono, 23, worker at PT Tiansi
2. Normalinda, 22, student at UNPAD
3. George Dominggus Hormat, 21, student at ITB
4. Fransiskus Xavarius Farneubeun, 21, worker
5. Kahpi, worker
6. Albertus Budi Pratomo, 21, worker at PT MSP
7. Hiskia Hartono, 31
8. Edy Irwansah, 20, labourer at PT JM
9. Maraden Sinaga, 23, student at UNDAP
10. Deny Nugraha, 33, worker
11. Wirya Wangsa Direja, 24, labourer
12. Deny Kusmarna, labourer at PT Trijaya Utama
13. Dindin Suherman, NGO worker at “Dewan Kota”
14. Asep Ruhyat, NGO worker at “Dewan Kota”
15. Andy Hartono, 22, student at ITB
16. Anton Jauhari, student
17. Donny Danudirjo, 21, student at ITB
18. Yovi Wijaya, 21, student at ITB
19. Sri Darwanti, 24, student at STSI
I look forward to hearing news of the charges against these 19 being dropped, unless clear evidence can link them to crimes not associated with their peaceful and heartfelt protest against harsh work and living conditions.
CC. President Megawati Sukarnoputri
Secretary General Asmara Nababan
Mr. Ihza Mahendra YUSRIL
Minister of Justice and Human Rights
Uahi Utoyo Usman S.H., Menteri Kehkiman,
JI. H.R. Rosuna Said Kav. 6-7,
Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia
Fax: 62-21- 525 3095
SALUTATION: Dear Minister
Mrs. Megawati Sukarnoputri
President, Republic of Indonesia
Presidential Palace, Jakarta
Istana Negara, Indonesia.
Fax: (62 21) 345 7782
SALUTATION: Your Excellency
Mr. Asmara Nababan
Secretary General
Komnas HAM
Jl. Latuharhary No. 4B Menteng
Jakarta Pusat
FAX: (62 21) 392 5227
EMAIL: info@komnas.go.id
SALUTATION: Dear Mr. Nababan