UPDATE (SRI LANKA): CID Inquiry into Lalith Rajapakse’s Compliant of Torture Begins
(RE: UA-18-2002: Urgent medical help needed for torture victim — Torture Case of Lalith Rajapakse – 13 May 2002)
UPDATE (SRI LANKA): CID Inquiry into Lalith Rajapakse’s Compliant of Torture Begins
Dear Friends
On orders of the attorney general of Sri Lanka, the Prosecution of Torture Victim’s Unit has now initiated the inquiry into the allegation of torture made by Lalith Rajapakse against several officers of the Kandana police station. The Criminal Investigation Department (CID) recorded the statement of Lalith and a few other witnesses today, Aug. 1, 2002.
Lalith Rajapakse was taken to the hospital in an unconscious state from the Kandana police station by police officers on April 20, 2002, after being arrested two days earlier and tortured on April 18 and 19. His condition was described in the interim medical report of Dr. S. Sivakumaran, the consultant physician, after consultation with Dr. Jagath Wijesekara, as follows: “PT [patient] is making a gradual recovery. We feel most likely diagnosis [alleged] to assault due to traumatic encephalitis.” The judicial medical officer’s (JMO) report, which was submitted later, notes the following injuries: “healing scab abrasion 2 inches x 3 inches on the right scapular region, healing scab abrasion 1 inch x 1 inch on the back of the right elbow, healing scab abrasion 2 inches x 1 1/2 inches on the front of the right chest, contusion 2 inches x 3 inches on the back of the left hand, contusion 2 inches x 3 inches on the front of the left forearm., contusion 1 inch x 1 1/2 inches on the m
edical side of the left hand, contusion 1 inch x 2 inches on the lateral side of the left hand, contusion 2 inches x 2 inches on the sole of the left foot, contusion 2 inches x 1 inch on the sole of the right foot and cerebral contusion.” This last injury is described as an injury, which endangers life.
Mr. Rajapakse is still recovering from his injuries. He was happy that the inquiry into his complaint has begun.
The CID inquiry has been ordered by the attorney general on the basis of a complaint made to him by the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC).
Urgent Appeals Desk
Asian Human Rights Commission
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